I have just moved somewhere where there is no hope of getting radio through an aerial - a very deep valley! So I would like to add digital radio to my system - predominantly for listening to Radio 3. The rest of the system is Quad 99 monoblocks and preamp, Quad ESL 63s, (and Garrard 301/SME 3012/Dynavector 10x5 - for interest!). Can I ask what people would recommend? There seems to be two ways to go - one is to buy a streamer (like Bluesound Node 2i) - but I don't need any of the multi-room or streaming functionality. Other is to buy a DAC and connect this to my computer via USB. Budget is about £500.
Any guidance or suggestions would be very welcome!
I have just moved somewhere where there is no hope of getting radio through an aerial - a very deep valley! So I would like to add digital radio to my system - predominantly for listening to Radio 3. The rest of the system is Quad 99 monoblocks and preamp, Quad ESL 63s, (and Garrard 301/SME 3012/Dynavector 10x5 - for interest!). Can I ask what people would recommend? There seems to be two ways to go - one is to buy a streamer (like Bluesound Node 2i) - but I don't need any of the multi-room or streaming functionality. Other is to buy a DAC and connect this to my computer via USB. Budget is about £500.
Any guidance or suggestions would be very welcome!