As I've (too) often said, I find Qobuz/Audirvana sonically and technically superior to the web player, and I've largely given up on downloads for similar reasons to Sir V....
A-B though (using Jitterbugs, Uptone USB Regen and mains-isolated power supplies...) I still think natively-stored files can just edge it over Qobuz Studio streams, but the difference is less obvious now.
So if I get really attached to an album I tend to buy the CD - because the Krell CD-transport can often beat all my other sources for 3-dimensional tangibility, for that reach-out-and-touch thrill, presence and involvement...(and the Custom-Marantz/Marigo combo isn't far off that either...). There remains a distinctive pleasure in the original silver disc. (All via the same T&A DAC8 as usual..)
Ever heard a really good multibit player? Some recent high-end designs even go back to the classic Philips TDA-1541 etc, but it is all in the implementation, the whole DAC geometry really. ESS is just the latest (ubiquitous) fashion, and it aint what you do...
I do have a decent BDP, a Panasonic DMP-BD80 from a few years back, but I've never tried it in the big rig - I don't think the transport could take the scrutiny.
It's mainly used now for playing CDs
when I'm in the kitchen adjacent to the TV-snug... morning-coffee barocco...
A-B though (using Jitterbugs, Uptone USB Regen and mains-isolated power supplies...) I still think natively-stored files can just edge it over Qobuz Studio streams, but the difference is less obvious now.
So if I get really attached to an album I tend to buy the CD - because the Krell CD-transport can often beat all my other sources for 3-dimensional tangibility, for that reach-out-and-touch thrill, presence and involvement...(and the Custom-Marantz/Marigo combo isn't far off that either...). There remains a distinctive pleasure in the original silver disc. (All via the same T&A DAC8 as usual..)
Ever heard a really good multibit player? Some recent high-end designs even go back to the classic Philips TDA-1541 etc, but it is all in the implementation, the whole DAC geometry really. ESS is just the latest (ubiquitous) fashion, and it aint what you do...
I do have a decent BDP, a Panasonic DMP-BD80 from a few years back, but I've never tried it in the big rig - I don't think the transport could take the scrutiny.
It's mainly used now for playing CDs
