I found a couple of low discharge rechargeable batteries in a computer mouse the other day. These were a pair of Uniross AAs - normally good. My charger is suggesting that they both have faults, and it doesn't seem to be possible to charge them.
I can accept that they've failed, but what goes wrong with them? Normally this type of battery does recover if they haven't completely lost charge. Although they will have been cycled quite a few times, I very much doubt that they have been cycled as many times as the specification claims to be possible.
There doesn't seem an obvious failure, such as leaking or swelling.
Perhaps not a big deal as I picked up some similar type of batteries from LIDL today at a reasonable price - 4 AAs and 4AAAs.
I can accept that they've failed, but what goes wrong with them? Normally this type of battery does recover if they haven't completely lost charge. Although they will have been cycled quite a few times, I very much doubt that they have been cycled as many times as the specification claims to be possible.
There doesn't seem an obvious failure, such as leaking or swelling.
Perhaps not a big deal as I picked up some similar type of batteries from LIDL today at a reasonable price - 4 AAs and 4AAAs.