My gmail email has now more or less stopped working.
It took me a while to figure out why. It seems I've exceeded a storage limit of 15 Gbytes. I only found this out by trying to use the web interface. There's a suggestion to delete messages - and indeed I've been trying to do that, but things still don't work.
Another suggestion is to pay for more storage - around £15-£16 for a year of 100 Gbytes. However, given that deleting files doesn't seem to work, would paying for storage solve the problem? Also since I'm hoping to find a way to back off email, it would perhaps be cheaper to do that, and stick with the free gmail service - though that will only happen if I can kickstart the email back into life.
In the overall scale of things the annual subscription is not horrendous, if it'll fix the mail issue. However, I really have come to dislike some of Google's practices - effectively scouring my email for links, and prompting adverts etc., which is not dissimilar to what Amazon do. They're all in it together, IMO, and I don't particularly want to support any organisation which acts like that.
Will paying solve the problem? I don't know. Can I revert back to the free service later if I find a way to get things sorted?
It took me a while to figure out why. It seems I've exceeded a storage limit of 15 Gbytes. I only found this out by trying to use the web interface. There's a suggestion to delete messages - and indeed I've been trying to do that, but things still don't work.
Another suggestion is to pay for more storage - around £15-£16 for a year of 100 Gbytes. However, given that deleting files doesn't seem to work, would paying for storage solve the problem? Also since I'm hoping to find a way to back off email, it would perhaps be cheaper to do that, and stick with the free gmail service - though that will only happen if I can kickstart the email back into life.
In the overall scale of things the annual subscription is not horrendous, if it'll fix the mail issue. However, I really have come to dislike some of Google's practices - effectively scouring my email for links, and prompting adverts etc., which is not dissimilar to what Amazon do. They're all in it together, IMO, and I don't particularly want to support any organisation which acts like that.
Will paying solve the problem? I don't know. Can I revert back to the free service later if I find a way to get things sorted?