Apple iTunes 2 factor authentication

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18108

    Apple iTunes 2 factor authentication

    There seem to be bugs in Apple's 2 factor authentication process - or I really have been hacked.

    If I try to change my password for the iTunes store on my MBP it wants another device to send codes to. Last time I did this it sent some codes to my telephone. However I did notice some anomalies.

    I had to do this again today, and it was a real pain and took ages. However, when I asked for the additional codes to be sent to my iPad Pro a message appeared on the iPad Pro saying that my machine was being used somewhere over 100 miles away. This did seem to be correcty associated with my account though, and after a great deal of effort and several attempts which didn't work I finally gained access again to my account, which looks mostly OK. It's worrying that the 2 factor identification does seem to be putting out incorrect information - or maybe I've been hacked already. Yuk!
  • kernowvectis
    Full Member
    • Oct 2011
    • 6

    My Macbook Air regularly notifies me that it is in Middlesbrough, whereas I was under the impression that I was looking at it on the northern fringes of Bristol. I think I can beat your 100 miles!


    • Beef Oven!
      • Sep 2013
      • 18147

      This issue has had me punching walls. Seems only to be capable of locking me out of my iPhone, iPad and MacBook and telling me I’m in Peterborough (wild horses couldn’t drag me to Peterborough, but it’s effortless for Apple).


      • Pulcinella
        • Feb 2014
        • 11384

        I foolishly and inadvertently agreed to two-factor authentication following a recent software upgrade (forget now if iPad or main Mac) only to find that I then couldn't pick up iCloud account emails on my Android smartphone.
        Have to admit that Apple sorted me out quite readily (and I subsequently disabled the two-factorness): what I hadn't realised (would anybody?) was that when my smartphone asked for the password it expected the two parts to be input as one string, without a space!

        My iPad also occasionally tells me I'm in Peterborough.


        • Beef Oven!
          • Sep 2013
          • 18147

          Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post

          My iPad also occasionally tells me I'm in Peterborough.
          Are you serious?


          • Pulcinella
            • Feb 2014
            • 11384

            Well, from Bicester it did; haven't noticed if it's homed in on York yet, but in fact I've treated myself to a new one, staying wrapped up till my 65th in less than two weeks (state pension for me, hurrah!), so perhaps if that one has never been to Peterborough it won't think I'm there either.


            • Dave2002
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 18108

              Originally posted by kernowvectis View Post
              My Macbook Air regularly notifies me that it is in Middlesbrough, whereas I was under the impression that I was looking at it on the northern fringes of Bristol. I think I can beat your 100 miles!
              I checked mine again - I'd taken a photo of the screen last time I had that message - and Middlesbrough it was, indeed. That's around 250 miles - plus or minus a bit, in a northerly direction.

              If I can unset the wretched 2 factor verification easily I will.

              A system which tries to protect me, yet sends spuriious messages and thinks I'm possibly a thief or hacker close to Durham or Newcastle does not inspire me with confidence.


              • Beef Oven!
                • Sep 2013
                • 18147

                Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
                Well, from Bicester it did; haven't noticed if it's homed in on York yet, but in fact I've treated myself to a new one, staying wrapped up till my 65th in less than two weeks (state pension for me, hurrah!), so perhaps if that one has never been to Peterborough it won't think I'm there either.

                Weird - this Peterborough thing.


                • DoctorT

                  My iPad tells me I'm near London. Is London in Co Tyrone?


                  • Pulcinella
                    • Feb 2014
                    • 11384

                    Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                    Weird - this Peterborough thing.
                    Indeed, and though you might choose to steer clear of the place, the train from York to London (other places south of York are available) goes through it, so I'll need to be very careful if I'm on such a train with my iPad!

                    I assume that there is some homing signal centre there, rather like the digital clock signal coming from Rugby.


                    • kernowvectis
                      Full Member
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 6

                      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                      I checked mine again - I'd taken a photo of the screen last time I had that message - and Middlesbrough it was, indeed. That's around 250 miles - plus or minus a bit, in a northerly direction.

                      If I can unset the wretched 2 factor verification easily I will.

                      A system which tries to protect me, yet sends spuriious messages and thinks I'm possibly a thief or hacker close to Durham or Newcastle does not inspire me with confidence.

                      I thought that this 2-factor verification was designed so that I have to approve, via another Apple device, that the one in question is really in my possession and being operated by me.

                      But when the (Middlesbrough) prompt comes up on my Macbook screen, so does the six-digit code, rather than on my iMac or iPad, which seems to defeat the whole object of the exercise.


                      • Dave2002
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 18108

                        While trying to set up a rental of a movie tonight on our Apple TV I got so fed up with the authentication process that I persevered for sufficiently long to turn it off, and revert back to the earlier modes of protection. It only took me about 20 minutes to do this!

                        Some users may benefit from enabling Two-Factor Authentication with Apple ID to further protect and secure their devices and data, but sometimes people decide two-factor auth is too much of a hassl…

                        Complicating factors were (1) finding the second device - iPad Pro, then (2) making sure that I had the instructions from the page shown above visible while I went through the steps. Also (3), putting in passwords etc. is relatively complicated using Apple TVs (3rd gen at least), unless they are set up to use a keyboard, which I hadn't done on this occasion. Hopefully things will revert to being simpler now - as they were before I ever tested out the extra authentication level.

