Problem burning a CD

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18107

    Every since Apple introduced disc burning into Mac OS X, third-party software stopped seeing much development. While there aren't a ton of disc burnin

    Also look up Burn from Sourceforge.


    • JFLL
      Full Member
      • Jan 2011
      • 780

      Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
      I agree with the memory stick as the option....
      I recently bought a new car and was intrigued to see that there were options for USB sticks, SD memory cards and AUX input. It also has a CD player, but the salesman told me that next year's cars would no longer have a CD option, so CD-philes be warned! The CD player is tucked away in the glove compartment, which means you have to stop driving to change discs, so the writing's obviously on the wall. Well, I got a 64 gig USB stick and transferred quite a lot of my FLAC recordings onto it, and was very pleased to find that there were no problems with filing, which I had half-expected. I'm rather relieved that I no longer need to take a shoe-box full of CDs with me for journeys away from home.


      • Dave2002
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 18107

        Originally posted by JFLL View Post
        I recently bought a new car and was intrigued to see that there were options for USB sticks, SD memory cards and AUX input. It also has a CD player, but the salesman told me that next year's cars would no longer have a CD option, so CD-philes be warned! The CD player is tucked away in the glove compartment, which means you have to stop driving to change discs, so the writing's obviously on the wall. Well, I got a 64 gig USB stick and transferred quite a lot of my FLAC recordings onto it, and was very pleased to find that there were no problems with filing, which I had half-expected. I'm rather relieved that I no longer need to take a shoe-box full of CDs with me for journeys away from home.
        Interesting that it works with FLAC. Would it also do so-called Hi-Res formats?

        Re shoe boxes, if car users don't mind mp3s (the noise and distortion will probably be drowned out by road and engine noise anyway...), then with a 6 CD changer it's possible to get the equivalent of about 30 regular CDs into the changer.

        Many cars also have an Aux input, so iPods/iPads/other music players can be plugged in too.
        Some cars still have CD players, but digitally copy each CD so that they don't need to be carried around once the CD has been played once.


        • Anastasius
          Full Member
          • Mar 2015
          • 1860

          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
          Interesting that it works with FLAC. Would it also do so-called Hi-Res formats?

          Re shoe boxes, if car users don't mind mp3s (the noise and distortion will probably be drowned out by road and engine noise anyway...), then with a 6 CD changer it's possible to get the equivalent of about 30 regular CDs into the changer.

          Many cars also have an Aux input, so iPods/iPads/other music players can be plugged in too.
          Some cars still have CD players, but digitally copy each CD so that they don't need to be carried around once the CD has been played once.
          And they come with those stupid dangerous touchscreens. How many accidents are caused by people fiddling with them? So now you will have a screen to navigate your USB stick while you are supposed to be driving and keeping your eyes on the road. Plain bloody daft. Muscle memory means I can stick in a CD and play it without taking my eyes off the road.
          Fewer Smart things. More smart people.


          • Sir Velo
            Full Member
            • Oct 2012
            • 3306

            Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
            I agree with the memory stick as the option. I've got a 128Mb stick in the car which provides me with more than enough music for any journey I might be thinking of undertaking. I also have a Hi-Res Sony Walkman Hi-plugged into the aux input with various Playlists set up so that I can pre-select what I want to listen to.
            128 gb of course! 128meg wouldn't be enough for a single track!


            • cloughie
              Full Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 22270

              Originally posted by Anastasius View Post
              And they come with those stupid dangerous touchscreens. How many accidents are caused by people fiddling with them? So now you will have a screen to navigate your USB stick while you are supposed to be driving and keeping your eyes on the road. Plain bloody daft. Muscle memory means I can stick in a CD and play it without taking my eyes off the road.
              Or even at a pinch swap to 2nd CD!


              • Dave2002
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 18107

                Originally posted by cloughie View Post
                Or even at a pinch swap to 2nd CD!
                Voice activaion?

                Having said that, my car has a form of voice ectivation. It is very erratic, and doesn't respond as one might expect. In the end one resorts to swearing and rude words with some very bizarre results. However, none of the functions are, by themselves, dangerous.


                • JFLL
                  Full Member
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 780

                  Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                  Interesting that it [USB stick in car] works with FLAC. Would it also do so-called Hi-Res formats?
                  Yes, it does, Dave. At least it plays FLAC 24-bit/96kHz tracks from Hyperion OK. Whether it would play higher-resolution recordings than that I couldn't say. Unfortunately it doesn't play FLAC gaplessly, as does my CEOL music player, so if I want to play Wagner from the USB stick in the car I'd ideally have to use Foobar to combine the ripped tracks into one seamless file. I suppose my next car (12 years away on past experience, if I'm spared!) will routinely play gaplessly. The car's a bog-standard VW Golf, by the way.

                  I do agree with Anastasius about the potential danger of touch-screens, though.

