The heading might just as well have been "Why I continue to hate MS Word" in most of its incarnations, and currently the Mac OS X versions (from 2011).
I was surprised to have an email very recently suggesting the use of emacs - which I thought was odd - but from someone who spends a lot of time using text editors it makes some sense. Most of us don't, just as most of us don't have the particular problems I'm currently faced with - editing, including finding and selecting sections of text in very large documents.
OK - one can start at the start of the section to deal with, and then scroll through to the end, and if nothing goes wrong, then maybe the operation required can be carried out. Sometimes this goes wrong, and has to be repeated several times.
In earlier editors, such as vi, I would have put the word START at the beginning of the section to deal with, and the word END at the end, and some fairly simple command could isolate all the text between START and END.
Another approach would be to use line numbers to select a text region.
I did find out how to get line numbers turned on in Word, but is there a comment to select all the text between (say) Line 1027 and line 24768? If there is, I can't find it. Searches using Google suggest ways to number sections - which is not what I want. I want to number the whole document, then find sections by numbers.
So, I looked for another way. There is a Sidebar which can be turned on, and this can be used to navigate more quickly through many pages - View-> Sidebar - then select Document Map Pane - though it's still slower than simply jumping to a known line number. The problem is that it doesn't seem to be possible to select pages within the sidebar, so it's still useless.
There have been a number of tasks such as this which I've encountered over the years which do make me really hate WYSIWYG interfaces, and wondering whatever happened to all the useful features of tools such as vi and emacs which made things like this so much easier with large scale documentation.
I wished I could start 2017 on a more positive note, but unfortunately I can't. There are hundreds of pages to be processed in the next few days, and "just doing it" by tedious scrolling may turn out to be the only way, and give us repetitive strain injuries.
Does anyone know any ways of doing what I'm requesting, arcane or otherwise? Maybe Office 365 will do this - though I'm not keen, but it might solve the problem.
I was surprised to have an email very recently suggesting the use of emacs - which I thought was odd - but from someone who spends a lot of time using text editors it makes some sense. Most of us don't, just as most of us don't have the particular problems I'm currently faced with - editing, including finding and selecting sections of text in very large documents.
OK - one can start at the start of the section to deal with, and then scroll through to the end, and if nothing goes wrong, then maybe the operation required can be carried out. Sometimes this goes wrong, and has to be repeated several times.
In earlier editors, such as vi, I would have put the word START at the beginning of the section to deal with, and the word END at the end, and some fairly simple command could isolate all the text between START and END.
Another approach would be to use line numbers to select a text region.
I did find out how to get line numbers turned on in Word, but is there a comment to select all the text between (say) Line 1027 and line 24768? If there is, I can't find it. Searches using Google suggest ways to number sections - which is not what I want. I want to number the whole document, then find sections by numbers.
So, I looked for another way. There is a Sidebar which can be turned on, and this can be used to navigate more quickly through many pages - View-> Sidebar - then select Document Map Pane - though it's still slower than simply jumping to a known line number. The problem is that it doesn't seem to be possible to select pages within the sidebar, so it's still useless.
There have been a number of tasks such as this which I've encountered over the years which do make me really hate WYSIWYG interfaces, and wondering whatever happened to all the useful features of tools such as vi and emacs which made things like this so much easier with large scale documentation.
I wished I could start 2017 on a more positive note, but unfortunately I can't. There are hundreds of pages to be processed in the next few days, and "just doing it" by tedious scrolling may turn out to be the only way, and give us repetitive strain injuries.
Does anyone know any ways of doing what I'm requesting, arcane or otherwise? Maybe Office 365 will do this - though I'm not keen, but it might solve the problem.