I bought a new USB memory stick recently - a 128 Gbyte Kingston. It seemed very slow, and others who had placed reviews reported that it wasn't fast. Today I tried to copy a whole bunch of files - probably about 20 GBytes to the stick, and I think it took around one and a half hours.
Then I thought that wasn't too terrible, compared with some others - a bit slow, but not impossible.
Later I tried to copy some SDHC cards. A couple are high speed Sandisk Ultra - claimed to be 80x. I noticed that I was able to copy about 12 Gbytes in around 2 minutes, so storage with that speed could do the original copy in under 5 minutes. I knew there were differences in transfer rates, but I didn't realise that there is such a huge discrepancy.
Now I'm even wondering if I should send the new USB stick back as not fit for purpose. There's slow and there's ...... almost static ......
Then I thought that wasn't too terrible, compared with some others - a bit slow, but not impossible.
Later I tried to copy some SDHC cards. A couple are high speed Sandisk Ultra - claimed to be 80x. I noticed that I was able to copy about 12 Gbytes in around 2 minutes, so storage with that speed could do the original copy in under 5 minutes. I knew there were differences in transfer rates, but I didn't realise that there is such a huge discrepancy.
Now I'm even wondering if I should send the new USB stick back as not fit for purpose. There's slow and there's ...... almost static ......