Acessing HD stream in win 8.1

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  • retroman
    Full Member
    • Feb 2012
    • 22

    Acessing HD stream in win 8.1

    Boiling blood here - have tried the recommended HD link for Radio 3 and get error message from WMP saying it can't play it. I've tried a third party plug-in without success and am about to chuck the whole caboosh through the window. Any ideas? Please?
  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18111

    Was this the one you tried?

    I just got that from this web site - and it works on my machine, though I can't tell yet whether it's really HD.

    I know that there were some major issues around a year ago as there were technical changes in the infrastructure, and some formats were abandoned. OTOH, I thought most people had sorted this, or found workarounds by now.


    • johnb
      Full Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 2903

      Silly question: is there a reason you are using WMP instead of the BBC's own player?

      The BBC started introducing changes to the radio iPlayer streams back last year and I suspect that, if you are using WMP, that the streams it is now using are not supported by WMP.

      (The BBC iPlayer used to stream in AAC, WMA and mp3 formats. From memory, WMA was dropped early 2015, but a transitional mp3 stream was maintained. The intention was to move everything firstly to HLS/HDS (similar formats but from Apple/Adobe) this has largely been done. The next phase was to move to DASH, an open source format.)

      Later: Dave, that stream is (or at least used to be when I last checked) 320 kbps. It was introduced after an outcry last year but was only intended to be a temporary measure, until the end of last year's Proms!


      • Bryn
        • Mar 2007
        • 24688

        Originally posted by retroman View Post
        Boiling blood here - have tried the recommended HD link for Radio 3 and get error message from WMP saying it can't play it. I've tried a third party plug-in without success and am about to chuck the whole caboosh through the window. Any ideas? Please?
        What is the URL for the link you are trying?


        • retroman
          Full Member
          • Feb 2012
          • 22

          OK - I've only just got the download speed to enable this kind of streaming, so am admittedly late to the party. I tried the .pls url quoted above and got the error message, then applied a plugin which alleged it could open .pls in WMP. Reason I was using WMP is that iPlayer never seems to route you to an HD stream. So what I've done now is download VLC and use this link :

          Now this works, in the sense that it is R3 and sounds OK, but apart from being not-dreadful, I wouldn't say beyond doubt that it is HD - haven't listened long enough. Still a ruddy shambles, though, isn't it? Incidentally, I do know there are two Cs in "accessing" - haven't mastered this keyboard yet - could a moderator oblige?



          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Hi retroman,

            Look out for a PM, (Private Message) which might help you to listen to Radio 3 programmes in 'HD Sound', but not at the time of their broadcast.

