My trusty printer, a HP Officejet 4500 connected to my computer by cable, has given up the ghost.
I have bought a HP Envy 4502 which has just arrived and is sat here in its box. I think I may have bought the wrong type of printer. The printer I want is required to be attached from my static computer. This new one looks to be designed for smartphone and tablet printer using wi-fi.
I was wondering whether to try to connect this or buy another, if so what type?
I have bought a HP Envy 4502 which has just arrived and is sat here in its box. I think I may have bought the wrong type of printer. The printer I want is required to be attached from my static computer. This new one looks to be designed for smartphone and tablet printer using wi-fi.
I was wondering whether to try to connect this or buy another, if so what type?