We have two elderly iMacs - his'n'hers - and locally backup each using SuperDuper to an external drive alongside each iMac. I also run the excellent Scannerz program that logs the performance of the internal drive (and external backup, for that matter) and measures the seek time for each sector and compares it with the timings from earlier runs. If the seek time starts to increase for some sectors then that is a pretty good early warning system of impending disk failure.
I have also been backing up both iMacs using Time Machine to a Time Capsule located physically remotely via ethernet. It is an early generation TC and so sometime back started to exhibit the over-heating problems inherent in the design, the internal disk got very unhappy and so I added an external drive. However, whenever I have tried to recover the odd-file it's always seemed to take forever and a day and when I tried to restore one of the iMacs post-venture into El Crappo I found that the necessary recovery software was missing on the iMac. And the other day I got the 'verification failed' message from TM aka Time Machine has just screwed up all your backups and you'll need to start again.
So, I've decided that as I'm the 'power-user' per se and the one most likely to accidentally over-write a file using Save
it's better if I bring in the Time Capsule and plug it into my iMac locally using a faster interface if possible. And ignore it as a potential backup for a full recovery.
For remote backup, I've just bought a Western Digital NAS and will partition it in two - one for each iMac - and then backup using SuperDuper (at least that is the plan). So if disaster strikes at home then at least we still have our data, photos etc even though the house is a smoking pile.
We shall see how it pans out.
I have also been backing up both iMacs using Time Machine to a Time Capsule located physically remotely via ethernet. It is an early generation TC and so sometime back started to exhibit the over-heating problems inherent in the design, the internal disk got very unhappy and so I added an external drive. However, whenever I have tried to recover the odd-file it's always seemed to take forever and a day and when I tried to restore one of the iMacs post-venture into El Crappo I found that the necessary recovery software was missing on the iMac. And the other day I got the 'verification failed' message from TM aka Time Machine has just screwed up all your backups and you'll need to start again.
So, I've decided that as I'm the 'power-user' per se and the one most likely to accidentally over-write a file using Save

For remote backup, I've just bought a Western Digital NAS and will partition it in two - one for each iMac - and then backup using SuperDuper (at least that is the plan). So if disaster strikes at home then at least we still have our data, photos etc even though the house is a smoking pile.
We shall see how it pans out.