I have a couple of cameras which have RAW mode recording. One is a Canon, the other a Fuji. Until now I've never really tried or used RAW mode, but on a recent trip I decided to set the cameras to do some shots in RAW and some in RAW and JPEG. This seemed to slow both cameras down quite a bit.
Besides that, I've never really managed to figure out how to do much with RAW, so it seemed a bit pointless.
However .... I just uploaded some photos to my iMac, and to my surprise discovered that Apple Preview will load in RAW images. The difference in quality is amazing on seemingly identical shots, with much more vibrant colours. It may be possible to tweak some JPEGS to give images which are closer to what I see on the screen from the RAW images - I'm really not an expert (yet), but this is definitely worth pursuing.
I suspect that most people aren't too aware of this feature of Apple Preview.
Besides that, I've never really managed to figure out how to do much with RAW, so it seemed a bit pointless.
However .... I just uploaded some photos to my iMac, and to my surprise discovered that Apple Preview will load in RAW images. The difference in quality is amazing on seemingly identical shots, with much more vibrant colours. It may be possible to tweak some JPEGS to give images which are closer to what I see on the screen from the RAW images - I'm really not an expert (yet), but this is definitely worth pursuing.
I suspect that most people aren't too aware of this feature of Apple Preview.