DVD and You Tube Sound extraction

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  • Gordon
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1425

    DVD and You Tube Sound extraction

    I'm sure this has been discussed before but so far I haven't found any threads.

    I've never bothered much with DVD and You Tube but there are a couple of things I'd like to get the sound track from but don't really know how to go about it. How to capture the files and then extract the audio in some useful format - any suggestions?
  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25293

    Short you tube files can usually be downloaded easily enough with this sort of thing.

    Just copy the youtube link and download to media player. Very easy. Even I can do it !!

    Only usually works on youtube videos under about 20 minutes though.

    Is that what you are after re youtube?
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

    I am not a number, I am a free man.


    • slarty

      I use a YouTube downloader, it's freeware , google it.
      once I have the AVI file(or whatever it is), I convert it to a Flac file, which as you know is audio only.
      could not be more straight forward. (my conversion programme is DB poweramp)


      • Dave2002
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 18101

        Originally posted by slarty View Post
        I use a YouTube downloader, it's freeware , google it.
        once I have the AVI file(or whatever it is), I convert it to a Flac file, which as you know is audio only.
        could not be more straight forward. (my conversion programme is DB poweramp)
        I should warn against the first part of that advice. I'm not against using some freeware to do some useful things, but obviously some YouTube downloaders are popular enough that they come bundled with free malware. I wasted a few days recently making sure that a malware nasty which can attack Macs and verious browsers wasn't actually installed on my machine(s) after trying to grab some audio from YouTube videos. I would recommend only downloading tools which others have checked out, and even then you need to be sure that you're not picking up a problem. If there's a particular YouTube downloader which we here believe to be benign, use that - but the ****s who make/bundle malware packages have a vested interest in trying to push them up the Google rankings. Of course the software you want may be benign - but still bundled with other stuff you really don't want. Tools such as DBPowerAmp should be good, though.


        • richardfinegold
          Full Member
          • Sep 2012
          • 7898

          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
          I should warn against the first part of that advice. I'm not against using some freeware to do some useful things, but obviously some YouTube downloaders are popular enough that they come bundled with free malware. I wasted a few days recently making sure that a malware nasty which can attack Macs and verious browsers wasn't actually installed on my machine(s) after trying to grab some audio from YouTube videos. I would recommend only downloading tools which others have checked out, and even then you need to be sure that you're not picking up a problem. If there's a particular YouTube downloader which we here believe to be benign, use that - but the ****s who make/bundle malware packages have a vested interest in trying to push them up the Google rankings. Of course the software you want may be benign - but still bundled with other stuff you really don't want. Tools such as DBPowerAmp should be good, though.
          Considering the low bit rate of youtube, getting infected with a virus in the process seems like a really bad deal. Kind of like what happened to Schubert/Schumann/Smetena
          et al...


          • slarty

            You are right Dave, I had to unbundle the YT downloader back then, but it has worked fine since and no sign of any nasties.


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              There are several of these which work online
              so all you are downloading is the mp3 or mp4 file

              But for some musics if everyone got them for free the people who create the stuff in the first place would have no £ (hence the PRS action against Soundcloud)


              • Dave2002
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 18101

                Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
                Considering the low bit rate of youtube, getting infected with a virus in the process seems like a really bad deal. Kind of like what happened to Schubert/Schumann/Smetena
                et al...
                I don't know so much about Smetana. Schubert was known to be a bit "wild", but I thought Schumann was merely unfortunate - though according to this http://classicalgreg.com/?p=209 he may have succumbed to some temptation earlier on.

                See also http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18592279

                and http://www.jstor.org/stable/954772?s...n_tab_contents


                • richardfinegold
                  Full Member
                  • Sep 2012
                  • 7898

                  Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                  I don't know so much about Smetana. Schubert was known to be a bit "wild", but I thought Schumann was merely unfortunate - though according to this http://classicalgreg.com/?p=209 he may have succumbed to some temptation earlier on.
                  All 3 were supposed to have brains infected with spirochetes. Thomas Mann wrote a novel (Dr. Faustus) with a fictitious Composer who made his pact with the Devil by opting to deliberately infect himself after a passionate night with a poxy wench, because it has been hypothesized that in the early stages of infectivity, the brain is hyperstimulated and creativity is enhanced


                  • Dave2002
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 18101

                    Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
                    All 3 were supposed to have brains infected with spirochetes. Thomas Mann wrote a novel (Dr. Faustus) with a fictitious Composer who made his pact with the Devil by opting to deliberately infect himself after a passionate night with a poxy wench, because it has been hypothesized that in the early stages of infectivity, the brain is hyperstimulated and creativity is enhanced
                    I thought that some artists/composers etc. were claimed to have contracted syphilis congenitally. Presumably that is possible, though maybe not so likely. For historical figures presumably very difficult to prove - so a lot of speculation is possible. Was there any moral opprobrium in times gone past?


                    • Dave2002
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 18101

                      Incidentally, just revisited the JSTOR site to look at the article mentioned in msg 8 -http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=mtpl

                      Readers with a legitimate account in some universities or other institutions may be able to access this easily - but it's also possible to read it for nothing from an online "shelf" by registering with the JSTOR site. However, this mode does not allow downloads, but is that such a big deal for most who don't want to print things off, or are not accessing such documents regularly?

                      Reading that whole article - rather than just the one page preview - gives rise to more speculation. From a medical point of view (I'm not a medical doctor) it is interesting that in those days it was thought that becoming symptom free was equivalent to cure. Effectively that might have been the case for many diseases and people, as they might have died of something else before a latent later stage of a disease (re)appeared. Worth a look - as indeed are many other articles in the JSTOR repository.
                      Last edited by Dave2002; 20-09-15, 07:24.


                      • richardfinegold
                        Full Member
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 7898

                        Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                        I thought that some artists/composers etc. were claimed to have contracted syphilis congenitally. Presumably that is possible, though maybe not so likely. For historical figures presumably very difficult to prove - so a lot of speculation is possible. Was there any moral opprobrium in times gone past?
                        There was plenty of moral opprobrium in those days. What they lacked was Penicillin.
                        Arsenic, ingested in small quantities over a prolonged period of time, was the treatment for Syphillis. It is probably the principal reason that Arsenic was so readily available to be used as a poison, because many people were taking it.
                        Congenital Syphillis btw would not lead to enhanced creativity, but usually results in Mental Retardation.


                        • Pabmusic
                          Full Member
                          • May 2011
                          • 5537

                          Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
                          ...Arsenic, ingested in small quantities over a prolonged period of time, was the treatment for Syphillis...
                          Mercury too. "One night with Venus, a lifetime with Mercury" dates back to the 18th Century. Josef Mysliveček understood.


                          • Dave2002
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 18101

                            Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
                            There was plenty of moral opprobrium in those days. What they lacked was Penicillin.
                            Arsenic, ingested in small quantities over a prolonged period of time, was the treatment for Syphillis. It is probably the principal reason that Arsenic was so readily available to be used as a poison, because many people were taking it.
                            Congenital Syphillis btw would not lead to enhanced creativity, but usually results in Mental Retardation.
                            Was (is) arsenic even effective against syphilis? Did the earlier treatments only concentrate on men? Indeed, what about modern treatments?


                            • Dave2002
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 18101

                              Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                              Was (is) arsenic even effective against syphilis? Did the earlier treatments only concentrate on men? Indeed, what about modern treatments?
                              Just found a very comprehensive, and probably good, article about this - http://jmvh.org/article/syphilis-its...n-its-origins/

                              I think there is a download option, though you may have to read most of it to find the button to press.

