I got a single brief message when using the BBC website today. The message was initiated by my browser (Chrome 43), not the BBC. As far as I can remember, the message said: 'This site uses a version of Adobe Flash that is no longer supported'.
I found this ambiguous. It wasn't clear whether the BBC website didn't support Adobe Flash anymore or that Adobe Flash could not support the content of the BBC website.
On further googling (https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6213033), it would appear that from Chrome v45 onward (expected at the end of this year), Chrome will no longer support the use of the old 'NPAPI' Adobe Flash plugin.
It is not clear whether the BBC website is dependent on the use of the NPAPI plug-in, and I'm a bit loathe to ask the BBC yet, because they never test anything and probably wouldn't be aware of the issue (if indeed there is one) anyway.
Can anyone shed any light on this matter?
I found this ambiguous. It wasn't clear whether the BBC website didn't support Adobe Flash anymore or that Adobe Flash could not support the content of the BBC website.
On further googling (https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6213033), it would appear that from Chrome v45 onward (expected at the end of this year), Chrome will no longer support the use of the old 'NPAPI' Adobe Flash plugin.
It is not clear whether the BBC website is dependent on the use of the NPAPI plug-in, and I'm a bit loathe to ask the BBC yet, because they never test anything and probably wouldn't be aware of the issue (if indeed there is one) anyway.
Can anyone shed any light on this matter?