BPO Digital Concert Hall
They archive all live concerts that they show. However there are concerts that are not shown and others that have a contract for broadcasting.
EG the recent Sibelius Cycle from Berlin was shown live on the 5th, 6th and 7th October and are archived, however the previous week was a single Sibelius Symphony 3,4 and Violin Concerto (Kavakas) on the 29th January which was broadcast on radio and not shown on the DCH.
One can look at the upcoming concert schedule to the end of the season in june to see what they are planning to show, but when one looks up the Philharmonie's concert schedule, there are other concerts not scheduled to be shown.
Last night's Haitink concert was another example of the live stream breaking up or buffering from time to time.
When one considers how much an annual pass costs, I tend to buy a monthly ticket, catch up on all I want then wait for 3 or 4 months then buy another monthly ticket.