Logitech media server update?

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18109

    Logitech media server update?

    I keep getting a message from Mac System Preferences that there's a new update for Logitech MS, but it never seems to download and install. This happens on two machines, one running OS 10.8.5 and the other is I think still on 10.6.8, What do I have to do either to get this to install, or get rid of the alerts?

    On balance I'd prefer to get the update installed, unless there's any reason not to have the latest one.
  • richardfinegold
    Full Member
    • Sep 2012
    • 7898

    Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
    I keep getting a message from Mac System Preferences that there's a new update for Logitech MS, but it never seems to download and install. This happens on two machines, one running OS 10.8.5 and the other is I think still on 10.6.8, What do I have to do either to get this to install, or get rid of the alerts?

    On balance I'd prefer to get the update installed, unless there's any reason not to have the latest one.
    I get the same message and also can't install it.


    • johnb
      Full Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 2903

      This update (to 7.7.5) is an official Logitech update and is "a minor bug fix release to eliminate some stupid issues introduced in 7.7.4 in the last minute" (according to Michael Herger).

      The fixes include the following two bugs

      - Can no longer use https resources, due to failure to load support for IO::Socket::SSL.
      - Installing plugins on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) fails. Add missing Compress::Raw::Zlib.

      I'm not sure why the automated update system isn't working but the update can be downloaded from here, the official website.

      Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
      On balance I'd prefer to get the update installed, unless there's any reason not to have the latest one.
      7.7.5 the latest release only in terms of official Logitech releases.

      In the mean time things have moved on with the Logitech Media Server - developments being driven by the excellent Michael Herger, working with the user community. I very much recommend you investigate 7.8.1 and the latest 7.9.0 (which I am using).

      Although these are not official Logitech releases they have been done under the control of Michael Herger who was one of the lead LMS programmers and, I believe, still works for Logitech. Both have nightly builds and are available from the official 'beta' download site: http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/index.php. Please ignore version 10.0 as it only applies to Logitech's UE products.

      As there is ongoing development of 7.9.0 there is always the possibility of 'beta' type issues with a particular nightly build, but I have been using it for many months with no problems of any kind. Two of the things I like in 7.9.0 are the ability to "Browse by Composer" and "Random Albums" (very useful when I can't decide what to play). Of course the 'Browse by Composer' depends on having set the 'Composer' tags for all the files.

      The Logitech "Slim Devices" forum is very active and the people there are very helpful: http://forums.slimdevices.com/forum.php

      (Note, this is not the official Logitech forum, even though it is supported by Logitech.)
      Last edited by johnb; 01-02-15, 16:30.


      • johnb
        Full Member
        • Mar 2007
        • 2903

        PS In the past there were instances when new versions of LMS were pretty bug ridden. This was because the Logitech management forced the software guys to issue updates to a timetable, even if the updates were not ready to be released. Things are much more stable these days.


        • Dave2002
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 18109


          Thanks for that. May well be worth a look.

          Two points + one! -

          1. Will the version(s) you mention work will all OS X versions including, and after 10.6.8?

          2. Will installing those cancel the update messages - or do I (we - now rfg has joined in ...) have to somehow set a notification not to update - perhaps no updates from the Logitech site?

          + If the new versions don't work - is there a backup site? Probably not an issue, as I can use a backup program or Time Machine, but it'd be good to know in advance. Thanks very much for the hints - I've not been using my Logitech devices so much recently - what with one thing .... and another!

          I still think Logitech were mad to ditch these things - I'm assuming the replacements are not as good, and although I hear quite good things about a few competitors, such as Sonos, getting anything short of a Mac Mini to serve out audio would seem not to give the same benefits and audio quality.

          Perhaps they only saw themselves as a company selling mice and portable loudspeakers! Shame.


          • johnb
            Full Member
            • Mar 2007
            • 2903

            Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
            1. Will the version(s) you mention work will all OS X versions including, and after 10.6.8?
            I can't say but I haven't seen any issues raised on the slim devices forum, which is a good sign.

            Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
            2. Will installing those cancel the update messages - or do I (we - now rfg has joined in ...) have to somehow set a notification not to update - perhaps no updates from the Logitech site?
            Ah, one thing I forget to mention. Often, when you get these updates prompts, the new software has already been downloaded to your HDD and you will continue to get the prompts until it is installed OR it is manually deleted from your HDD - even if you now set LMS not to update. In Windows 7 the automatic updates are downloaded to C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\updates\ but I am not sure what the equivalent folder is with OSx (presumably a search will find it). You can delete all the contents of the updates folder - this will stop the prompts.

            You can set LMS not to update by: Settings/Advanced/Software Updates - set Software Updates "Don't check for software updates"

            Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
            + If the new versions don't work - is there a backup site? Probably not an issue, as I can use a backup program or Time Machine, but it'd be good to know in advance. Thanks very much for the hints - I've not been using my Logitech devices so much recently - what with one thing .... and another!
            All the old LMS versions up to 7.8.0 can be downloaded from: http://downloads.slimdevices.com/

            Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
            I still think Logitech were mad to ditch these things - I'm assuming the replacements are not as good, and although I hear quite good things about a few competitors, such as Sonos, getting anything short of a Mac Mini to serve out audio would seem not to give the same benefits and audio quality.
            Sonus is the main "popular" alternative but it only supports up to 16/48 (unless things have changed) whereas the Squeezebox Touch supports up to 24/96. Also, with LMS 7.9.0 and iPad iPeng app as controller, the user interface for the Squeezebox system is now remarkably good IMO, especially now the Composer tag can be browsed (but getting the most out of the system does depend on people being disciplined to set tags consistently).

            I intend using the Touch (feeding the DAC on my Meridian G92) for the foreseeable future. I have a spare Touch stored away in case the one in use fails.

            (For people with thousands of pounds to spare there is always the Meridian's Sooloos system. )

            Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
            Perhaps they only saw themselves as a company selling mice and portable loudspeakers! Shame.
            I think that one factor was that they are predominantly hardware manufacturers (keyboards, mice, webcams, etc) and they seem to been out of their depth with the Squeezebox product line where the software is just as important as the hardware.

            Having said that, the very open nature of the LMS software and its flexibility is a mixed blessing as it meant that users could fiddle with the system, even if they had no idea what they were doing, and get themselves into difficulties - not ideal for a mass market product.
            Last edited by johnb; 01-02-15, 18:23.


            • Dave2002
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 18109

              Originally posted by johnb View Post
              You can set LMS not to update by: Settings/Advanced/Software Updates - set Software Updates "Don't check for software updates"
              Thanks very much again John.

              One, hopefully last for time being boring question - are the updates you mantion from the "official" site, or from the "official beta/developer" site?
              Is it possible to select the update site either to Logitech, or the beta/developer site?

              I may now some time trying to sort this out.

              PS - now that I have also acquired an Android phone, is there an app to control the Squeezebox devices - preferably very low cost?

              I have iPeng and another for iPads.


              • richardfinegold
                Full Member
                • Sep 2012
                • 7898

                Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                Thanks very much again John.

                One, hopefully last for time being boring question - are the updates you mantion from the "official" site, or from the "official beta/developer" site?
                Is it possible to select the update site either to Logitech, or the beta/developer site?

                I may now some time trying to sort this out.

                PS - now that I have also acquired an Android phone, is there an app to control the Squeezebox devices - preferably very low cost?

                I have iPeng and another for iPads.
                Yes, thank you very much john. I am afraid I don't understand your fixes, thanks to my lack of Computer sophistication, but it's good to have the resource.
                I never used squeezebox for more than Internet Radio, as I could never make it successfully merge with my files on my computer and I just went the "Mac & DAC" route.


                • johnb
                  Full Member
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 2903

                  The site I gave for 7.7.5 is the official Logitech Release download site.

                  Logitech Media Server is unusual in that it is open source, apart from where there are third party rights. As such there is much more available available online than is the case with other products. All the other sites I provided links to are official Logitech websites which are freely used by Squeezebox users, especially those 'in the know' (e.g. slim devices forum users), though I am not sure what they are called - your description of "official beta/developer" sites is as good as any.

                  If you are asking whether the Logitech 'automatic' updates could be directed to those sites, instead of the official Logitech Release downloads, I'm not sure of the answer. I do know that in Ubuntu you can specify that Ubuntu Squeezebox updates are "beta", etc - but that is a different matter. In any case I doubt whether there will be any further official Logitech releases and I prefer to update the software as an when I want to, rather than using automatic updates. Sorry that this doesn't answer your question.

                  As far as android phones are concerned there are quite a few controllers available, including the official Logitech app (which is free). I have heard mention of Squeeze Commander and Orange Squeeze but I have no experience of either of them as I am currently using the official Logitech app.

                  You might also want to try out the SqueezePlayer app which will enable you to use your android phone as a player (when used in conjunction with one of the 'controller' apps).

                  I seem to remember that it is possible to configure the mobile phone and LMS so that you can access your music library, through your mobile, while on the move. This might need access to WiFi, but I'm not sure. (I believe that people doing this set LMS to transcode files to mp3 for the particular "player" on the mobile.) All this is from memory and I might be wildly mistaken


                  • johnb
                    Full Member
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 2903

                    Richard, apologies if I seem to write in gobbledegook. These things are often much easier to do than to explain.

                    As far as the problems you had setting up Logitech Media Server to recognise your music files, I'm sure that could be sorted quite easily.

                    The main requirements are:

                    - The all the folders which contain your music files stem from a single "root" folder. E.g. you have a "Music_Library" folder and all folders containing music files are subfolders (or sub-sub folders, etc, etc) of the "Music_Library" folder.

                    If you do have more than one source or root folder, one way round that is to create a shortcut to the other source and have the shortcut in the Music_Library folder.

                    (I know you can specify more than one "root" folder these days - but it is better not to do that - it's a bit flakey.)

                    - The Playlist folder should be a separate folder.

                    - LMS has the option to integrate with iTunes. My impression is that the people in the know believe this is not a good idea.

                    You are probably happy with your current arrangement but if you would like to try out using the Squeezebox Touch and need any help do let me know.

                    By the way, for LMS to give bit perfect results use the following settings in Settings/Player/Audio:

                    Crossfade: None
                    Smart crossfade: Disable
                    Volume Control: Output is fixed at 100%
                    Volume Adjustment/Replay gain: No volume adjustment

