This may be old hat to everyone else, but it was new to me and I thought I would share it in case anyone else is as naïve in these matters as I am!
A chance comment from Bryn on the Bargains thread alerted me to the fact that some CDs have the sound modified in a manner that is cancelled by (most) CD players on playback, the purpose being to reduce background noise when played. However, when ripping the CD this pre-emphasis is not automatically corrected, leaving a rather harsh treble sound. I have over the last few years been gradually ripping my CD collection to my hard drive, blissfully unaware of this - I have only listened to a small proportion on iPod when travelling so far, though it probably explains my occasional disappointment at the ripped result! Other boarders helpfully told me how to eliminate the pre-emphasis whilst ripping (I am using the sox command line application for this).
Fortunately, a year ago I started using EAC as my CD ripper, which displays a column stating whether pre-emphasis is present on the CD, so I am now running them all through EAC with the intention of re-ripping any so marked. Still in the early stages, but so far the Brilliant box of Alfven symphonies has been identified (though bizarrely only the first four of the five CDs), as has the Hyperion three CD series of Malcolm Arnold's chamber music from the Nash Ensemble, making a "hit" rate of around 3 - 4%.
Happy for this post to be roundly ignored as pointless, but I wouldn't want anyone else ripping thousands of CDs without being aware of this possible issue and thus finding a (small) proportion of them pretty much unplayable!
A chance comment from Bryn on the Bargains thread alerted me to the fact that some CDs have the sound modified in a manner that is cancelled by (most) CD players on playback, the purpose being to reduce background noise when played. However, when ripping the CD this pre-emphasis is not automatically corrected, leaving a rather harsh treble sound. I have over the last few years been gradually ripping my CD collection to my hard drive, blissfully unaware of this - I have only listened to a small proportion on iPod when travelling so far, though it probably explains my occasional disappointment at the ripped result! Other boarders helpfully told me how to eliminate the pre-emphasis whilst ripping (I am using the sox command line application for this).
Fortunately, a year ago I started using EAC as my CD ripper, which displays a column stating whether pre-emphasis is present on the CD, so I am now running them all through EAC with the intention of re-ripping any so marked. Still in the early stages, but so far the Brilliant box of Alfven symphonies has been identified (though bizarrely only the first four of the five CDs), as has the Hyperion three CD series of Malcolm Arnold's chamber music from the Nash Ensemble, making a "hit" rate of around 3 - 4%.
Happy for this post to be roundly ignored as pointless, but I wouldn't want anyone else ripping thousands of CDs without being aware of this possible issue and thus finding a (small) proportion of them pretty much unplayable!