I tend to find computer background noise, even if some might consider that low, distracting. I have in the past had to use many desktop computers with noise levels which to me might just as well have been similar to a jet taking off.
In the last decade or so I have tended to favour Apple computers for this reason. Perhaps things get worse if one has a room which is very quiet, but a very new 27 inch iMac is noisier than I'd hoped. In fairness it's pretty quiet, but I have had machines (not many) which were quieter.
Solutions - 1. play music or listen on headphones while using the computer - though that might not be ideal for serious concentration. 2 - maybe putting sound absorbent material nearby could make a difference too. I suspect that a hard desktop to stand the machine on reflects the noise.
For comparison, I think my 13 inch MacBook Pro is almost silent, until it starts to heat up and the fan kicks in.
For serious work with a lot of documents the screen size on the 27 inch iMac is brilliant, though - which is why it was obtained in the first place.
In the last decade or so I have tended to favour Apple computers for this reason. Perhaps things get worse if one has a room which is very quiet, but a very new 27 inch iMac is noisier than I'd hoped. In fairness it's pretty quiet, but I have had machines (not many) which were quieter.
Solutions - 1. play music or listen on headphones while using the computer - though that might not be ideal for serious concentration. 2 - maybe putting sound absorbent material nearby could make a difference too. I suspect that a hard desktop to stand the machine on reflects the noise.
For comparison, I think my 13 inch MacBook Pro is almost silent, until it starts to heat up and the fan kicks in.
For serious work with a lot of documents the screen size on the 27 inch iMac is brilliant, though - which is why it was obtained in the first place.