Three weeks ago, changed from BT to Sky broadband. Seemed to be OK after a bit of faff.
Suddenly, this a.m., Google Chrome is INCREDIBLY show and for the most part not able to connect tagged regular sites.
Ironically, The Radio 3 forum is absolutely unaffected, Cricinfo is VERY slow but just about works, and nothing else does.
Got the Sky engineer this a.m., went through a routine, but system is now back to exactly what is was like when I phoned them for help!!
Suddenly, this a.m., Google Chrome is INCREDIBLY show and for the most part not able to connect tagged regular sites.
Ironically, The Radio 3 forum is absolutely unaffected, Cricinfo is VERY slow but just about works, and nothing else does.
Got the Sky engineer this a.m., went through a routine, but system is now back to exactly what is was like when I phoned them for help!!