I have a 64 Gbyte 1st generation iPad. It's getting old and worn, and has been knocked about a bit, but it still works.
I get the feeling though that it's slowing down.
Partly this could be a perception thing, as we all expect pieces of kit to work faster as new models come out, but actually I don't think that is the case. I think it really is slowing down. The memory is now just about half full. To my amazement when I used it a lot there was only about 16 Gbytes out of the total actually being used, and even now the used memory was only around 30Gbytes recently.
Maybe the software is slowing things down - always possible. Also, the flash memory could be becoming slower, as bad bits are dynamically moved out of scope - which I believe is how they are set up to work.
I will probably buy a new one with the next version, which will have given me around 3 years - perhaps slightly more - of continuous use, and despite the limitations of the devices I personally found it useful - and also for work, which I have now mostly given up. I know others who really love iPads, and others who hate them and say they are totally useless for serious work. One of these latter says that she'd rather have been sold a more expensive small and powerful laptop, than something which for her barely does anything she wants to do.
Anyway, has anyone else noticed these devices slowing as they get older? One other possibility is the sheer number of apps loaded - even if they don't use up all the memory, and most of them aren't used most of the time. In that case the cpu could be spending its time monitoring a large number of apps which are really inactive - which would of course be not very clever software design, but something that many companies are very capable of. I also wonder about behind the scenes garbage collection, and whether some apps, such as email clients, cause big problems.
I get the feeling though that it's slowing down.
Partly this could be a perception thing, as we all expect pieces of kit to work faster as new models come out, but actually I don't think that is the case. I think it really is slowing down. The memory is now just about half full. To my amazement when I used it a lot there was only about 16 Gbytes out of the total actually being used, and even now the used memory was only around 30Gbytes recently.
Maybe the software is slowing things down - always possible. Also, the flash memory could be becoming slower, as bad bits are dynamically moved out of scope - which I believe is how they are set up to work.
I will probably buy a new one with the next version, which will have given me around 3 years - perhaps slightly more - of continuous use, and despite the limitations of the devices I personally found it useful - and also for work, which I have now mostly given up. I know others who really love iPads, and others who hate them and say they are totally useless for serious work. One of these latter says that she'd rather have been sold a more expensive small and powerful laptop, than something which for her barely does anything she wants to do.
Anyway, has anyone else noticed these devices slowing as they get older? One other possibility is the sheer number of apps loaded - even if they don't use up all the memory, and most of them aren't used most of the time. In that case the cpu could be spending its time monitoring a large number of apps which are really inactive - which would of course be not very clever software design, but something that many companies are very capable of. I also wonder about behind the scenes garbage collection, and whether some apps, such as email clients, cause big problems.