In case anybody is minded to have a go (I tried and could not get past first base) I came across this twitter:
turns out iPlayer Radio is still perfectly functional... apktool -d iplayerradio.apk, delete line 151 from smali/uk/co/bbc/android/iplayerradiov2/application/g0/e.smali (just after `iget-boolean v1 v0 (...)SunsetConfig;->enabled`), apktool b ., sign and re-install
I asked for miore info and kindly got this replay:
You need to download a program called "apktool" from here: Run 'apktool d filename.apk', make the change, run "apktool b ." to build the apk, then use jarsigner (from OpenJDK) to sign the apk (
for instructions).
turns out iPlayer Radio is still perfectly functional... apktool -d iplayerradio.apk, delete line 151 from smali/uk/co/bbc/android/iplayerradiov2/application/g0/e.smali (just after `iget-boolean v1 v0 (...)SunsetConfig;->enabled`), apktool b ., sign and re-install
I asked for miore info and kindly got this replay:
You need to download a program called "apktool" from here: Run 'apktool d filename.apk', make the change, run "apktool b ." to build the apk, then use jarsigner (from OpenJDK) to sign the apk (
for instructions).