Don's text size

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  • Don Petter
    • Mar 2025

    Don's text size

    Originally posted by doversoul View Post
    Don Petter
    Please, can you bring up a font size or two when you post?

    Quite happy to if needed, but my posts look like all the others I can see (yours included). Is there something I, or you, are missing? If I need to adjust (as when pasting ftom Word) I choose Tahoma size 1, which seems to be what the default is, and what everyone else is using (except Siggy, who is a law unto herself).

    Do others see me as out of line (fontwise, that is)?

    PS I absolutely agree agree with your sentiments just expressed.
  • Petrushka
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 12437

    Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
    Do others see me as out of line (fontwise, that is)?
    Certainly do, Don. Your post no 165 is in incredibly tiny font size as are most of yours done today. Message 171 is like everyone else's.
    "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


    • Don Petter

      Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
      Certainly do, Don. Your post no 165 is in incredibly tiny font size as are most of yours done today. Message 171 is like everyone else's.

      Well, thanks for letting me know. I don't know why this should be. All the posts above (from 161, for instance) look exactly the same to me. I have noticed that when I paste text from Word it looks enormous when I 'Preview Post'. So by experiment I deduced that I have to change it to Tahoma size one to make it look like everyones else's. Perhaps I should leave it as it is?

      Here is an experiment:

      This is typed in directly to the edit box.

      This is pasted from Word, and otherwise untouched, which is shown as Times New Roman, Size 3.


      • Don Petter

        I couldn't enter any more, without fiddling. as I was locked into Times New Roman size 3 from there on.

        To me the last line above looks enormous, shouty, and quite out of keeping with the rest of the thread.

        It's all getting a bit late, so maybe we'll pursue it in the morning. Perhaps ff can give an independant opinion? (Not that I'm doubting you chaps. Just puzzled, as sometimes before.)


        • Petrushka
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 12437

          Your last line looks perfectly normal to me, Don. Not at all shouty.
          "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


          • Don Petter

            Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
            Your last line looks perfectly normal to me, Don. Not at all shouty.
            I wonder if it is related to my changing my Message Editor Interface from Standard Editor - Extra Formatting to Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing. That was because I was seeing a strange layout when editing. I don't know if you ever got involved in that thread a while back where ff took great part.

            Although it's late, with your indulgence I'll repeat the above test after changing this setting back.

            Watch for next message!


            • Don Petter

              New test:

              This is simply typing into the box.

              This is pasting from Word, as before, with no modification before posting to the thread.


              • Don Petter

                To me everything looks normal now, nothing too big, nothing too small - how is it for anyone else?


                • Petrushka
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 12437

                  Perfectly normal, Don.
                  "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                  • french frank
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 30817

                    Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
                    To me everything looks normal now, nothing too big, nothing too small - how is it for anyone else?
                    Lovely, Don .....

                    All done now? as the auctioneer says
                    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                    • Don Petter

                      I thought you’d all gone to bed, where I should be. I think then I’ll go back to putting up with a weird input screen in order that my postings at least look normal (can’t vouch for the content).

                      It does seem strange that changing my general editing settings can result in others seeing vastly different things from what I see. Perhaps ff can suck some juice from this – And I’m sorry about this long deflection from the true content of the thread, ff, but I trust you will see how it has come about.

                      As a matter of interest, is anyone else using the WYSIWYG setting?


                      • Don Petter

                        Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                        I do apologise for making you worry so. I hope you managed to have a nightmare free sleep. All is well now (after #171). I know exactly how it feels when you are told that your posts are doing odd things while you cannot see it yourself. My posts did all manners of weird things on the old R3 MBs, so much so that one member thought I was using an Egyptian hieroglyph keyboard.

                        On the contrary, ds - many thanks to you for pointing out something of which I was blissfully unaware, and to you, Petrushka and ff for enabling me to sort it out. You are right about the helpless feeling when you suddenly don't know what the results of your actions are in the outside world. It's like one of those party games where you have to find out who you are supposed to be by asking oblique questions of the other participants. ('Am I someone who you would not want to ask to tea?')

                        I know I could have kept my settings and stopped pasting from Word, which I often find a convenient place to compose and check a post. But from now on I would always be uneasy as my WYSIWYG would be more WYSIMNWTY (what you see is maybe not what they see).
                        Last edited by Guest; 16-01-11, 10:44. Reason: Typo/Remove now irrelevant observation


                        • french frank
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 30817

                          One thing that occurs to me about people feeling a need to compose their posts elsewhere in order to check for accuracy: I could increase the amount of time before the 'Last edited by' note appears. It's already been increased to 5 minutes and it might be unhelpful if people could dive in at any time to hide 'evidence'. But I'd assume that most edits that are made quite promptly after posting are for simple text corrections, formatting &c.

                          Would it persuade people to compose directly in the text box if I increased the time for edits to, say, 10 minutes? Or are there other reasons for composing first in Word?
                          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                          • Don Petter


                            I didn't know there was a time limit. Explain to a simple soul how it works. Do we have to edit before or after the deadline? (I still see Edit Post options on all my old posts into the distance.)


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30817

                              It's a setting for administration. It would only mean that you could edit your post thoroughly without the 'Last edited by' note appearing at the bottom. Of course, other people could see your first effort, but if you're anything like me, I only see my typos, spelling and grammatical mistakes, missed capitalisation &c. after I've posted, no matter how many times I preview.

                              Extending the time allowance would only delay the appearance of the 'Last edited by' note.

                              The default time was about 2 minutes, so if you took a minute to notice your mistakes, you'd have to be quick to avoid the notice appearing. Not that it's all the world if it does. I'm just curious to know what the advantage is of composing in Word on your computer if you have a preview facility to make regular checks to your posts-in-progress?

                              Edit: Ha! Missed your point. Yes, you're still able to edit any of your posts a day, a week or a month &c. later and a note will be left to the effect that you have done so.
                              Last edited by french frank; 16-01-11, 10:53. Reason: Reread previous poster's message properly
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

