The Reply to Thread and Reply options

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  • Bert Coules
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 763

    Lars, uploading from Photobucket isn't working for me either. Oh - do you mean that only links to images are allowed, not images themselves? I was able to post images (linked from Photobucket) last week in one of the Wagner threads:

    Don, that's not what I see at all. Try this:

    Last edited by Bert Coules; 10-01-11, 12:13.


    • Don Petter

      Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
      Lars, uploading from Photobucket isn't working for me either.

      Don, that's not what I see at all. Try this:
      Interesting - no idea why mine dangles and yours doesn't. My screen res is 1280 x 1024, and my screenshot would be sitting in the middle of my screen, with about two inches of space either side.


      • Don Petter

        I need to go out now. SWMBO is getting very jumpy (they just don't understand). Back mid afternoon.


        • Bert Coules
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 763

          Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
          Interesting - no idea why mine dangles and yours doesn't.
          No comment.

          Don, my screen resolution is 1600 x 1200.
          Last edited by Bert Coules; 10-01-11, 12:30.


          • Lars Porsenna

            Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
            See if this works (hasty joining of photobucket):

            Gulp! Yes, it works. Not at all what I'm seeing.


            • Lars Porsenna

              Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
              Oh - do you mean that only links to images are allowed, not images themselves?
              Yes! (I wonder if I disabled images last week?)
              Don, that's not what I see at all. Try this:

              Exactly what I see. I've so far uploaded my image - I'm trying to find the url ...



              Last edited by Guest; 10-01-11, 12:29.


              • Bert Coules
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 763

                Lars, yes, that's exactly what I see. I wonder why uploading from Photobucket is working for you and not me? Let's try again...

                Oh good grief, now it is working! What's changed, I wonder?

                Don's screen layout is a little untidy and I can see why it might be annoying, but it is at least still quite workable, it seems to me.
                Last edited by Bert Coules; 10-01-11, 12:36.


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 30817

                  Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
                  Oh good grief, now it is working! What's changed, I wonder?
                  I'm back in my own skin again now - Lars is an account which allows me to see the Full Member's view, rather than an administrator's. It took me a while to figure out, but as soon as I opted for IMG code instead of URL it worked for me first time.

                  Last week I turned off something to do with Albums and uploading pictures which looked as if it had the potential to take up a huge amount of space on the site. Not sure if that's now preventing the uploading of images (I hope so!).
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • Bert Coules
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 763

                    Oh, so Lars doesn't really exist? It's like one of those WWII POW camp movies, passing off a dummy for a real person...

                    Originally posted by french frank View Post
                    Not sure if that's now preventing the uploading of images (I hope so!).
                    Uploading directly to the forum, you mean? I can see the problems with that, of course, but posting images - as in the present discussion - can be valuable. If linking to Photobucket doesn't overstretch the forum's resources, I hope that that particular facility stays.
                    Last edited by Bert Coules; 10-01-11, 13:23.


                    • french frank
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 30817

                      Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
                      Oh, so Lars doesn't really exist?
                      I think he's been dead for a few years!

                      I agree that images can be very useful, but once you have a Photobucket (or similar) account it's only a bit more trouble to post the IMG link. You either allow direct uploads or you don't. If you allow them there's no way to control the quantity and people will get miffed if you want to remove them, or remove them all by 'diktat'.
                      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                      • Bert Coules
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 763

                        Amazing that he still has an account here, really.

                        I take the point about directly-posted images. I mistakenly thought at first that you were disabling linking to Photobucket (and the like) too. Glad to hear that's not the case.

                        Thanks for the reply.


                        • Don Petter

                          Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
                          Oh sure, I realise that. But it seems that there are people who preferred not to use the quote facility, or perhaps simply liked to have the no-quote option readily to hand.

                          Just got back in and picking up the threads ().

                          I now see what you meant by going down to the end of the thread to find the 'Reply to Thread' button if you don't want to answer a particular post or quote. I'd never used that button. If you were just generally adding to the thread you would likely be at the end anyway, wouldn't you? Or under the new system, 'Reply with Quote' to any post and delete the whole quote, I suppose.

                          I'm not particularly arguing for this change - I was happy enough as it was, though I now realise I have been getting a second-class input page, for some reason!


                          • Don Petter

                            Originally posted by Bert Coules View Post
                            Don, my screen resolution is 1600 x 1200.
                            I can't set mine higher than 1280 x 1024. I've just tried lower but that made no difference - still my 'strange' layout.

                            I get just the same view on my laptop, though that is 1280 x 800, anyway.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30817

                              Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
                              I can't set mine higher than 1280 x 1024. I've just tried lower but that made no difference - still my 'strange' layout.

                              I get just the same view on my laptop, though that is 1280 x 800, anyway.
                              My laptop is 1280 x 800 and switching to IE (IE8) my view is still perfect - just like the other browsers and the Mac.
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • Don Petter

                                I seem to have fixed it!

                                I tried all sorts of browser settings, to no avail, then went back to look at General Settings in my Forum Profile.

                                I changed 'Message Editor Interface' from the third option (Standard Editor - Extra formatting controls) to the first (Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing). My emoticons are no longer dangling, but to the right of the input text box, as, it seems, are everyone else's. Why the previous option should give anomalous results, I don't know. Anyone else want to try that setting, out of interest?

                                As I pointed out elsewhere, the legend on the settings page is misleading. I thought I had the 'most advanced' setting because it said that would be the third option, whereas presumably it is the first. (The legend and the button texts are conflicting.)

                                As a matter of interest, the second setting option (Basic Editor - A simple text box) also looks fine, but then there is no smiley box to fit in anyway.

