I'd change the headphones rather than loose your high frequencies
Apple ipod Nano 16GB (5th Generation) has limiter/cap to sound.
I know I am a bit late comimng into trhis thread, but I ordered my Ipod Classic i60gb from the US, becausae EU ruling says about the volume beiong too loud etc. Whereas in the States they still have the propoer one. A bit more expensive but well worth it.Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post. Whereas in the States they still have the propoer one.
It seems remarkably sensible to me to make it difficult for people unable to read (i.e those unable to work out how to update the firmware by the simple operation of using the internet to search for information) to buy something that will give them permanent hearing damage............
To maintain that because there are warnings in the instructions about excessive volume levels therefore anyone who ignores them is "choosing" to do so completely ignores the fact that this technology is specifically designed to be intuitive. Think hammer rather than violin