Apple ipod Nano 16GB (5th Generation) has limiter/cap to sound.

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  • johnb
    Full Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 2903

    A few years ago I bought a pair of Sennheiser PXC 250 headphone to avoid crawling up the wall (and going even more insane than I already am) when Bristol's St Paul's Carnival, and other such events, take place. (I live towards the top of the hill overlooking the area and get an 'amphitheatre' effect.)

    The noise cancellation is reasonably effective but, as with all these devices, it doesn't have much effect on the higher frequencies. One thing that is definitely worth mentioning is that the headphones produce a significant amount of constant 'white noise' when the noise cancellation is activated. On the one hand this helps mask some of the extraneous noise you want to eliminate, on the other hand you might find it irritating.

    [Edit] I've just seen that this year's Carnival, which was to have taken place on the 7th July, has been cancelled. Although this must be a tremendous blow for the very large number of people of all ages who are involved, and especially the youngsters, I confess that I am breathing a (very selfish) sigh of relief.


    • Resurrection Man

      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
      I wasn't being "Silly" hearing loss is very serious indeed
      you might think that it's down to your "choice" but as many people are unaware of the dangers then they need protecting

      I'm quite fluent in BSL so I guess we wont have a problem communicating in the future .............
      Sorry but I just don't buy it. People should take responsibility for their actions, find things out for themselves. Open their eyes. Too much spoon feeding and nanny knows best.


      • MrGongGong
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 18357

        Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
        Sorry but I just don't buy it. People should take responsibility for their actions, find things out for themselves. Open their eyes. Too much spoon feeding and nanny knows best.
        Utter Utter bollocks i'm afraid
        It's easy to be wise after the event and there are many people with seriously impaired hearing as a result ..................
        lets do away with seatbelts and crash helmets as well while we are at it

        (I can translate that into BSL for you if you like )


        • johnb
          Full Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 2903

          I wish these limiters weren't used. However, I can certainly understand why they are.

          With headphones it is all too easy to turn the volume up beyond what is 'sensible' and almost all youngsters use headphones and various forms of music players. I'm sure this combination can be very damaging for their hearing, especially as pop music is engineered to be as loud as possible.


          • AmpH
            • Feb 2012
            • 1318

            Originally posted by Stanfordian View Post
            Hello AmpH,

            I couldn't find any of the Sennheiser PXC 250 that you suggested I try in my nearest HMV at Preston this morning. However I did try some Sennheiser HD 25 II and they sounded OK at reducing background noise. I wonder how the PXC 250 compare to the HD 25 II?
            Stanfordian - Will respond by PM.


            • Resurrection Man

              Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
              Utter Utter bollocks i'm afraid
              It's easy to be wise after the event and there are many people with seriously impaired hearing as a result ..................
              lets do away with seatbelts and crash helmets as well while we are at it

              (I can translate that into BSL for you if you like )
              Bit rude? Your analogy with crash helmets and seatbelts is utter tosh since they protect you in the event of an accident caused by a third party.

              My iPod comes with clear instructions. Do not play loud...damage to hearing etc. If someone is too lazy or bone idle to bother to read these instructions then..well...that is there look out.

              Extending your analogy....cigarettes...we know that smoking cause lung cancer so let's ban them.

              Alcohol....recommended units per week are 21 for a man. Let's all have a ration book with our alcohol units in. One voucher per unit.

              Prepared meals...too much fat, sugar and salt...well, suggest we ban them completely.


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26628

                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                Utter Utter bollocks i'm afraid
                I do wish you wouldn't beat about the bush, 2Gongs!!

                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • MrGongGong
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 18357

                  Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                  My iPod comes with clear instructions. Do not play loud...damage to hearing etc. If someone is too lazy or bone idle to bother to read these instructions then..well...that is there look out.
                  I suggest you save this link somewhere as you are likely to need it in future

                  Slot168 adalah situs slot online paling gacor hari ini dengan rtp live terbaru yang memiliki win rate paling tinggi pada 168 negara berbeda di seluruh dunia.


                  • Panjandrum

                    Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                    Bit rude? Your analogy with crash helmets and seatbelts is utter tosh since they protect you in the event of an accident caused by a third party.

                    My iPod comes with clear instructions. Do not play loud...damage to hearing etc. If someone is too lazy or bone idle to bother to read these instructions then..well...that is there look out.

                    Extending your analogy....cigarettes...we know that smoking cause lung cancer so let's ban them.

                    Alcohol....recommended units per week are 21 for a man. Let's all have a ration book with our alcohol units in. One voucher per unit.
                    Hear! Hear!


                    • MrGongGong
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 18357

                      Originally posted by Panjandrum View Post
                      Hear! Hear!
                      I think you mean

                      Hear ! don't Hear !


                      • JFLL
                        Full Member
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 780

                        Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                        I have the 16gb classic too - with the volume governor!

                        A friend has an iPod that he bought in the US that doesn't have the EU volume governnor - one of the many disbenefits of the EU!

                        If you google around, you'll find blogs that show you how to remove it.
                        Yes, I have two Zen Vision MP3 players, 2006 vintage or thereabouts, and they had that tiresome EU volume-limiting thing. I seem to remember that I got round it by downloading the US version of the firmware (lovely term, that, nothing like so namby-pamby as software). Can you not do that with iPods? (I'm assuming that Stanfordian is of an age to decide for himself whether he wants to run the risk of imperilling his hearing.)


                        • MrGongGong
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 18357

                          Originally posted by JFLL View Post
                          Yes, I have two Zen Vision MP3 players, 2006 vintage or thereabouts, and they had that tiresome EU volume-limiting thing. I seem to remember that I got round it by downloading the US version of the firmware (lovely term, that, nothing like so namby-pamby as software). Can you not do that with iPods? (I'm assuming that Stanfordian is of an age to decide for himself whether he wants to run the risk of imperilling his hearing.)
                          I'll make a BSL version and put it on Youtube if you want


                          • JFLL
                            Full Member
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 780

                            Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                            I'll make a BSL version and put it on Youtube if you want
                            What's that, MrGG, can you speak up a bit?


                            • MrGongGong
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 18357

                              Originally posted by JFLL View Post
                              What's that, MrGG, can you speak up a bit?
                              What is puzzling about this
                              is that updating and changing firmware is grade 1 geekology
                              so anyone who needs to ask really shouldn't be trusted with the scissors ....................(regardless of what the small print says !)


                              • JFLL
                                Full Member
                                • Jan 2011
                                • 780

                                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                                What is puzzling about this
                                is that updating and changing firmware is grade 1 geekology
                                so anyone who needs to ask really shouldn't be trusted with the scissors ....................(regardless of what the small print says !)
                                Who are you calling a geek, sir? Pistols at dawn!

                                Seriously, though, I'm certainly not all that technology-savvy, but just had a bit of a google around, did what the geeks said and had no problems. Even without the volume-limiter, though, I still find my player is impossible to use on planes, so maybe these headphones are a better solution.

