The dimwit post

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  • Lateralthinking1
    • Mar 2025

    The dimwit post

    Sorry about this but I need to be advised about technological stuff a couple of times. I get things right once then I forget again until I've repeated the actions. The questions currently in my head are packaged together here and any kind answers would be much appreciated -

    - How do I save messages that are sitting in my in-box in an appropriate folder?

    - What is the quickest way of entering the Committee room? - Do I have to go via the e-mail link each time or is there another way? - and is it best do the link first, then log in? - what is the best order? I can get into the room but feel that I am not doing so by the most effective method.

    - A reminder please on how to copy over pictures and also links to specific Spotify tracks. And what do I do exactly to keep a playlist private?

    Thanks. LT1.
  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30812

    Saving messages: check the messages you want to save, scroll down to the selected messages menu, choose which form of download you want, click on Proceed

    Probably the quickest way is to have it in your favourites. (Have just emailed you btw). I find I don't have to give the password each time. If the CR is listed in the What's New list, you can also click on the that link. Currently the arrangement is a bit awkward.

    Erm, Spotify ... I don't do this, so I'm not sure what you're trying to do, or what a playlist is ...
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


    • Lateralthinking1

      Thanks ff. I have now opened a new folder for inbox messages that I have read and transferred them across. Am I right in thinking that sent items have to stay in the sent items folder?

      I will try the What's New list for CR in future and ask Global or JC about Spotty again. Lat.


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30812

        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
        I have now opened a new folder for inbox messages that I have read and transferred them across. Am I right in thinking that sent items have to stay in the sent items folder?
        I think you must be right. I created a folder 'Sent archive' but there didn't seem to be a way to move anything to it from the Sent Items. We're using the default of 50 messages allowed in total (I've had to empty mine several times) so I'm not sure what use the folders are. If you were allowed to store an unlimited number they would be useful.
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • Lateralthinking1

          Quote: "We're using the default of 50 messages allowed in total (I've had to empty mine several times) so I'm not sure what use the folders are. If you were allowed to store an unlimited number they would be useful."

          ff - Thanks for this. Because I don't have huge numbers of messages, I do find the folders helpful. I can have a look at what people have sent me recently and fully separate out the read and the not yet read. Prefer this personally to the markings. I'm not going to leave the folders until they get to 50 and just let the oldest ones drop out. There will be reasonably regular "housekeeping" - nothing too rigid - to keep the numbers down and retain the ones of most interest. It is also an aide-memoire of sorts. Recognise that people have different approaches to such things, and all equally valid, but I would like the folders, if poss, to be retained. Lat.


          • french frank
            • Feb 2007
            • 30812

            No question of removing the folders. In fact if people don't seem to be storing many and we're keeping comfortably within our limit, it could be possible to increase the number to, say, 100.
            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


            • Globaltruth
              • Nov 2010
              • 4326

              Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
              .... links to specific Spotify tracks. And what do I do exactly to keep a playlist private?

              By default all your Spotty playlists are private. You can publish them or make them collaborative by right clicking on the playlist name. Now, when I say 'right-click' I mean click the right hand button of your mouse, using a Windows PC and a two-button mouse.
              This may seem blindingly obvious.
              It isn't.
              It's different on a MAC, and there are many different ways of doing the mouse-thing on many different devices.
              There are 3 options:
              1 You already know how to right-click on your machine and so this is getting down to too low a level of detail, almost patronising. I don't mean to - I just don't know your technical competence.
              2 You don't know how to right-click so you'll have to describe your setup - Operating system, hardware and we can work it out from there.
              3 You find a way of doing this without right-clicking. Please share if you do

              Let's assume Option 1 has happened. Once you right-click on the playlist you will see an Options menu that starts with Play. Other options on that menu are publish and make collaborative...all you do is select those to get the effect you want.

              Now to embed the link to a track.

              First to embed any link in a post you click (and that's a normal, or left-click) on the icon above that looks like a globe with a pair of binoculars at the bottom. When you do, a box should pop-up (again depending on your browser, your browser version, your settings within that browser - shout if you don't get the box).
              And the box says 'Please enter the URL of your link'.
              In there you paste the link from Spotify of the track you want.

              But how, Global, I hear you ask, do I get that link copied into some infinitesimal bit of cyber-space?
              Well, go back into Spotify again.
              Right-click on the track name this time and a similar menu will appear.
              There are 2 options we are interested in here - Copy HTTP link or Copy Spotify URI.
              Doesn't really matter which you put in the link - for the time being let's use the HTTP one.

              Paste it into the box - the first bit of text will look like gobbledy-gook - it's the address, the second bit, which will be text on a blue background, can be changed by you to be the words in your post that people will click on to get the track. This applies to any link, but for Spotify link, obviously (ahem) you will need Splottfy on your computer.
              Here's one I did earlier
              And that's it.
              Fool around with it and try it out, you won't be able to break it.
              (e.g. moving the browser button off your desktop into the trash bin does not delete the Internet)
              When you post your post all your work is transformed into a slick and competent post. A joy to behold and treasure.

              You can update your CV ('proficient in the use of hyper-links), and we can all reap the continuing benefit of you sharing your comprehensive, informed and invariably thoroughly enjoyable music with us.

              Or else I wouldn't have bothered...actually I would.

              I'm looking forward to your posts (no pressure really LT1 - do shout if you need more)


              • Lateralthinking1

                Thank's Globaltruth. I've got a link at least. Maybe more shortly. It took me a while because I was getting "Spotify.exe". A couple of sites on the Internet said it was a trojan so I blocked it and then had to unblock it in "permissions". From one of the better cds this year, here's Mavis Staples and "I Belong To The Band" -

                Last edited by Guest; 22-12-10, 00:10.


                • Lateralthinking1

                  ......I like that Tavener piece btw.

                  There are a few variations. Mine says "published" not "publish" and there's a tick or not as the case may be. It is about the same. I don't appear to have a globe with a pair of binoculars. Nothing happens with left click. Not sure why. Right click though gives me the HTTP and URI options. When I paste the link, I don't get gobbledegook, not with Spotty anyway, but I may do with pictures, and I need to highlight it to get the blue. I did try to type my words into the blue but that just removed the link.

                  Still, this is definitely a step in the right direction.

                  (PS - I have got one more question - Where on Spotty it says something like "Velvet Underground, Nico", how do you makes sure it doesn't swap round to say "Nico, Velvet Underground"? It switches around randomly and is playing havoc with my "alphabeticals").
                  Last edited by Guest; 22-12-10, 00:49.


                  • Globaltruth
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 4326

                    Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                    ......I like that Tavener piece btw.
                    Good. Why is he never played on LJ I wonder?

                    Where on Spotty it says something like "Velvet Underground, Nico", how do you makes sure it doesn't swap round to say "Nico, Velvet Underground"? It switches around randomly and is playing havoc with my "alphabeticals").
                    This is, I think, a fairly arcane feature within Spotty. I had to go and look in their FAQ's for a solution, if it's what I think it is.
                    * When you click on a playlist, then the main pane shows all the tracks in that playlist.
                    * Across the top are the following
                    (you may not see all these labels depending on whether you have resized any of the others)
                    *If you have sorted those tracks by any one of those labels you will see a little triangle either pointing upward or downward (ascending/descending order). This little triangle remains in place and automatically becomes the sorting order.
                    * If you click on it once, then it changes from ascending to descending or vice versa. You need to get rid of it. To do this, you click on it twice. Then the playlist goes back to the order you created it in, and you can sort it as you want (TRACK or ARTIST or ALBUM) by just clicking on the label you want to sort on (and the little triangle comes back)

                    Not sure I've made that as clear as it should be - perhaps I should just say:
                    'try double-clicking on the little triangle in the top set of labels'

                    good linking.


                    • Lateralthinking1

                      Hi Globaltruth - I really appreciate you taking the trouble to provide me advice on this. It is good of you. Ta very much. Lat.
                      Last edited by Guest; 22-12-10, 20:49.


                      • Globaltruth
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4326

                        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                        Hi Globaltruth - I really appreciate you taking the trouble to provide me advice on this. It is good of you. Ta very much. Lat.
                        yeah thanks but did it fix your prob?


                        • Lateralthinking1

                          Yes, mainly - I need to do a "where am I now?" check, then work out whether I have further questions and if so what they are!


                          • madamesuggia

                            I'd like to delete my profile

                            any ideas how to do this?


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30812

                              Originally posted by madamesuggia View Post
                              I'd like to delete my profile

                              any ideas how to do this?
                              I've sent you a private message.
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

