I suspect that the limit of 200 PMs saved in this forum can be modified with the flick of a number.
I wonder - now that the forum has been running for quite a while - and also memory should be getting cheaper, if it would be possible - or even desirable - to raise the limit to (say) 400.
If there were a way of archiving all the PMs and then inputting them back into some sort of viewing tool I wouldn't be making this suggestion.
Indeed, it ought to be possible to make such a tool, given the various export formats, but I've just never got round to making one, and such tools as I do use are not ideal.
I wonder - now that the forum has been running for quite a while - and also memory should be getting cheaper, if it would be possible - or even desirable - to raise the limit to (say) 400.
If there were a way of archiving all the PMs and then inputting them back into some sort of viewing tool I wouldn't be making this suggestion.
Indeed, it ought to be possible to make such a tool, given the various export formats, but I've just never got round to making one, and such tools as I do use are not ideal.