I've been experimenting with typing letters with accents, using ASCII codes: that's to say (on a PC, at least) holding down ALT while entering digits on the numberpad.
What I've discovered is that some codes work beautifully and others don't. For example:
ALT+132 generates ä
But ALT+142 (which should produce an upper-case A with an umlaut) takes me out of the text entry/edit box and throws me back to the list of threads for whatever section of the forums I happen to be in.
I haven't tried every possible code, but it looks as if the presence of a "4" in any position is what triggers the return to the thread list. So I can successfully use the ALT+ method to type Ö, à, ç, é, ü and various others, but not lower-case o umlaut, upper-case A umlaut and a few more.
Further mucking about reveals that ALT+4 will generate the thread list even when typed while outside the text/entry box.
What I've discovered is that some codes work beautifully and others don't. For example:
ALT+132 generates ä
But ALT+142 (which should produce an upper-case A with an umlaut) takes me out of the text entry/edit box and throws me back to the list of threads for whatever section of the forums I happen to be in.
I haven't tried every possible code, but it looks as if the presence of a "4" in any position is what triggers the return to the thread list. So I can successfully use the ALT+ method to type Ö, à, ç, é, ü and various others, but not lower-case o umlaut, upper-case A umlaut and a few more.
Further mucking about reveals that ALT+4 will generate the thread list even when typed while outside the text/entry box.