Originally posted by EnemyoftheStoat
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Radio 3's website - am I going mad?
Originally posted by Don Petter View PostWhich do you mean by the sidebar? The 'Stations - Categories - Schedules - Favourites' is part of the iPlayer Radio banner right across the top of the screen. This is always present, it seems.
I was asking whether our Homepage sidebar was open as a default, or whether people had to first open it by clicking the double chevron (thereafter it remains open until it is deliberately closed).It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Don Petter
Originally posted by french frank View PostNo, as in my earlier Msg 4, I mean the sidebar of this forum where we have thoughtfully placed various useful permanent links to the BBC website, including to the Schedule, for which Bryn posted the identical link.
I was asking whether our Homepage sidebar was open as a default, or whether people had to first open it by clicking the double chevron (thereafter it remains open until it is deliberately closed).
Originally posted by Don Petter View PostSorry! Being a bit thick there. My sidebar remains closed from day to day, as is my preference. Not sure how to test default - log out and restart? I expect there's a cookie that would still remember. Flush a few caches and things? I'll leave that to some following maven.and occasionally the blog if I think I'll have a look) I'm not sure whether people know it's there
It's where Andrew's valuable Proms links are too!It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
I used to access the schedule from this site, but have taken Bryn's advice and have now created a Safari favourite link, on the 'the fewer clicks the better' principle.
I try to tell the BBC how awful their site is whenever I'm asked to complete a survey, to no avail, I fear.
Like others here, I'd rather the focus was on the music than on the celebrity presenter.
Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post.....
I try to tell the BBC how awful their site is whenever I'm asked to complete a survey, to no avail, I fear.
1 We are always right
2 Pretend to take users views into account as a sop
3 Go back to 1Fewer Smart things. More smart people.