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  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    Welcome Chelsea!#

    Erm I'm a Newcastle fan!
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750


    • antongould
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 8870

      Originally posted by french frank View Post

      Either way, there's mix here of Know Alls and Know Nothings. We can all learn from each other when it comes to music. I've just mooted on another thread the desirability of a sub-forum where we can ask any questions and probably expect a knowledgeable reply.

      As the King of the Know Nothings may I welcome you too Chelsea.....it's IMHO a nice place to be.


      • gurnemanz
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 7469

        Originally posted by antongould View Post
        As the King of the Know Nothings may I welcome you too Chelsea.....it's IMHO a nice place to be.
        Welcome, Chelsea. (I'm a Palace fan, I'm afraid). I am possibly the worst dilettante hereabouts. Italian proverb: "Assai sa chi sa che non sa" (He who knows that he knows nothing knows a lot")


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38174

          Originally posted by gurnemanz View Post
          Welcome, Chelsea. (I'm a Palace fan, I'm afraid). I am possibly the worst dilettante hereabouts. Italian proverb: "Assai sa chi sa che non sa" (He who knows that he knows nothing knows a lot")
          A Palace fan indeed, gurney!

          On moving to this district 8 years ago, I was strongly advised to keep my Chelsea sympathies to myself!


          • Chelsea

            Thank you very much for publishing your prospectus here, french frank. It is something that I shall have to think about, as the issues are complex. What I would suggest, however, is that such a discussion should really go somewhere else on the Radio 3 Forum, because I suspect that it is important. If the Radio 3 Forum is to serve a useful role, it has to encourage serious debate about what Radio 3 is for, and whether the Friends of Radio 3's prospectus merits serious consideration. As you administer this website, french frank, I would humbly suggest that you move this discussion to a more appropriate place.

            As for Chelsea FC, you will have noted, french frank, that a discussion of football verges more towards the populist than the elitist end of the cultural spectrum. If you live south of the river (Thames), it is good to support a local team, and Crystal Palace, it strikes me, is always on the verge of triumph (the Premiership) and disaster (bankruptcy). It is also the site, if my memory serves me correctly, of the infamous Cantona kick, so it probably helps to be proficient in the martial arts, too!

            As for Radio 3, it is unlikely to be particularly popular at Stamford Bridge, Selhurst Park or any other football ground around the world, although there are links between the beautiful game and great art. Take, for example, the three tenors, although it costs a lot more than three tenners to get into Stamford Bridge. Thank you for your welcome! I shall consider becoming a friend of Radio 3, but should not great art be for everyone, french frank, and not just minority taste?
            Last edited by Guest; 15-04-13, 05:27.


            • Sir Velo
              Full Member
              • Oct 2012
              • 3306

              Do I detect a familiar voice? A certain small "c" peut-etre?


              • Chelsea

                Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
                Do I detect a familiar voice? A certain small "c" peut-etre?
                On the contrary, Sir Velo, I am Big C (Chelsea). A certain small "c" naturally sends his best regards to the Friends of Radio 3, but he is currently sitting on the other side of the breakfast table. Rest assured that his views are not my views, although he raises his cup of breakfast coffee to french frank!
                Last edited by Guest; 15-04-13, 07:06.


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 30798

                  Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
                  Do I detect a familiar voice? A certain small "c" peut-etre?
                  Good spot, Sir V.

                  I was a little mystified to see such an early resurrection of Mr Grew's thread relating to his alternative forum, but since the new member is one of that forum's three active members, the puzzle is solved. Matter to be considered... No response needed, c.
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • Bamig

                    Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                    No personal connection, just a huge love and admiration for his Music.
                    I like what I've heard - an Ardittis disc of string quartets, and a Nieuw Ensemble disc on Etcetera. Would you mind recommending a handful of other recordings, please?



                    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                      Gone fishin'
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 30163

                      Originally posted by Bamig View Post
                      I like what I've heard - an Ardittis disc of string quartets, and a Nieuw Ensemble disc on Etcetera. Would you mind recommending a handful of other recordings, please?

                      Welcome, Bamig.

                      The Etcetera disc was the first CD I ever bought of BF's Music - in the same spirit is a disc on KAIROS (0013072KAI) featuring the ELISION ensemble containing Terrain, a concerto for violin and ensemble, no time at all, a Guitar duo La Chute d'Icare (a fascinating alternative performance to the one on ETC), Incipits, a concerto for Viola, percussion and ensemble and Les Froissments d'Ailes de Gabriel, a concerto for guitar and ensemble.

                      There's a METIER CD (msv 28504) played by Ensemble Exposé, conducted by Roger Redgate and containing Flurries for ensemble, Trittico per GS for solo Double Bass, Incipits (a different performance from that on KAIROS, with a more realistic recording balance for the percussionist), Coloratura, an early work for Oboe and Piano, In Nomine a 3, a miniature for wind trio, and Allgebrah, a concerto for Oboe and string nonet.

                      Also from METIER (msv28501) is a disc of choral Music performed by Lontano and the BBC Singers conducted by Odaline de la Martinez: the wonderful Missa Brevis; two movements from the opera Shadowtime, The Doctrine of Simplicity & Stelae for Failed Time; and Two Marian Motets.

                      (Les Froissments on the KAIROS disc is also from Shadowtime, and the complete Opera is on two NMC CDs - NMC D123).

                      Two not-currently-available discs are unmissable if ever you see them -

                      ... in fact, if anybody reading this knows how I can get a copy of the latter disc, I'd be eternally grateful!
                      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                      • Bamig

                        Thank you very much indeed. I will investigate....

                        Surprisingly, Nottingham Central Library has got a couple of the discs you recommend, so I'll pick them up tomorrow -

                        Last edited by Guest; 27-06-13, 16:14.


                        • teamsaint
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 25293

                          Hi Bamig.

                          Some of the stuff that the learned FHG mentions is also available to listen to here

                          including at least one of the Metier discs
                          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                          I am not a number, I am a free man.


                          • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                            Gone fishin'
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 30163

                            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                            Hi Bamig.

                            Some of the stuff that the learned FHG mentions is also available to listen to here
                            Oh, wow! That is an excellent source - I'd add the second item on the list for comparative performances of some of the works on the discs I mentioned, and for an astonishing performance of the piano work Lemma-Icon-Epigram - which is also featured (in, if anything, an even more incendiary performance) on the Ian Pace recital on NMC (fourth from the bottom of this list) which also features one of Richard Barrett's best pieces (Tracts) which I strongly recommend.

                            There's also youTube, which features many works by Ferneyhough, some of them not otherwise available, and many with on-screen video of the scores. Bliss it is in this dawn to be alive! (To be middle-aged is a bit of a bummer! )
                            [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]

