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  • 2cats
    • Mar 2025


    I'm naturally attracted to Radio 3 for many reasons. Probably the main reason is that unlike even anything else provided by the BBC it doesn't automatically assume its listeners are stupid, cannot think for themselves, or both of those facets.

    Then there's the fact Radio 3 is totally unobtrusive, is catholic in its musical output (one minute we could be listening to a celebration of the works of Hildegard, the next, an interview with Wayne Shorter) its establishment as a service to its listeners rather than a platform to advertise 'had an accident in the last 3 years' dubious enterprises and whose music and speech is solely to entertain, for the benefit of its audiences and not to make money for its advertisers primarily with the music coming second to that. Sanity in an increasingly insane world is my rule of thumb for Radio 3 and a safety net as whenever there's a radio playing 'the Third' my thoughts are straighter and better equipped to tackle the injustices of the world at all levels from the standpoint of one of its unimportant earthlings.

    But there seems to be an air of complacency upon the station's output nowadays. Mr. Petroc Trelawny, formerly of 'Classic VHF' seems to be at the head of this and whilst I cannot dispute the intelligence and enthusiasm of the man, he does seem to be very much in love with the sound of his own voice, rather like the populist 'jocks' on Radio 2 (I have bitter memories of parents shouting rants - most of them ill informed and right wing - back at Jimmy Young in the 1980s which put me off Radio 2 for a lifetime and for which I have not received psychotherapy or licence fee reimbursement for). The very last thing I would want is for my cherished Third to 'turn' into Radio 2 just to increase its audience share. This is the BBC and diversity is paramount. Every radio network should provide something different rather than try to be all things to all people, and I choose Radio 3 because I don't want.......for example.........morning paper reviews or pestilential news bulletins. I want music and intelligent stimulating conversation first thing in the morning. If I want paper reviews I'll listen to Today or Chris Evans. If I want celebrity guests it'll be anything on Radio 2, or selected output Radios 1 or 5. Radio 3 should be DIFFERENT and proud to be different in a world of differences.

    I fear greatly for the future....could you imagine Breakfast in 2018, Mr.Petroc smugly announcing 'there's a report in todays Express that says medical research has led to the formulation of a new pill to cure cancer', or 'we'd like to know what you think about a new study into immigrants taking all of 'our' jobs, email 3breakfast@bbc.co.uk'.......

    Or how about this one, heaven help us all:-

    'a look at the front pages and today's Sun says a British star(r) of stage and screen allegedly put a live rodent between two pieces of bread which he proceeded to eat' (said expressively).
  • Paul Sherratt

    Hello 2cats and a warm welcome to this curious place.


    • Thropplenoggin

      Originally posted by 2cats View Post
      I'm naturally attracted to Radio 3 for many reasons. Probably the main reason is that unlike even anything else provided by the BBC it doesn't automatically assume its listeners are stupid, cannot think for themselves, or both of those facets.

      Then there's the fact Radio 3 is totally unobtrusive, is catholic in its musical output (one minute we could be listening to a celebration of the works of Hildegard, the next, an interview with Wayne Shorter) its establishment as a service to its listeners rather than a platform to advertise 'had an accident in the last 3 years' dubious enterprises and whose music and speech is solely to entertain, for the benefit of its audiences and not to make money for its advertisers primarily with the music coming second to that. Sanity in an increasingly insane world is my rule of thumb for Radio 3 and a safety net as whenever there's a radio playing 'the Third' my thoughts are straighter and better equipped to tackle the injustices of the world at all levels from the standpoint of one of its unimportant earthlings.

      But there seems to be an air of complacency upon the station's output nowadays. Mr. Petroc Trelawny, formerly of 'Classic VHF' seems to be at the head of this and whilst I cannot dispute the intelligence and enthusiasm of the man, he does seem to be very much in love with the sound of his own voice, rather like the populist 'jocks' on Radio 2 (I have bitter memories of parents shouting rants - most of them ill informed and right wing - back at Jimmy Young in the 1980s which put me off Radio 2 for a lifetime and for which I have not received psychotherapy or licence fee reimbursement for). The very last thing I would want is for my cherished Third to 'turn' into Radio 2 just to increase its audience share. This is the BBC and diversity is paramount. Every radio network should provide something different rather than try to be all things to all people, and I choose Radio 3 because I don't want.......for example.........morning paper reviews or pestilential news bulletins. I want music and intelligent stimulating conversation first thing in the morning. If I want paper reviews I'll listen to Today or Chris Evans. If I want celebrity guests it'll be anything on Radio 2, or selected output Radios 1 or 5. Radio 3 should be DIFFERENT and proud to be different in a world of differences.

      I fear greatly for the future....could you imagine Breakfast in 2018, Mr.Petroc smugly announcing 'there's a report in todays Express that says medical research has led to the formulation of a new pill to cure cancer', or 'we'd like to know what you think about a new study into immigrants taking all of 'our' jobs, email 3breakfast@bbc.co.uk'.......

      Or how about this one, heaven help us all:-

      'a look at the front pages and today's Sun says a British star(r) of stage and screen allegedly put a live rodent between two pieces of bread which he proceeded to eat' (said expressively).
      Hello, 2cats. You're not John Suchet, are you? I only ask because you seem to have a Classic FM-sized chip on your shoulder.

      Welcome aboard the good ship For3. I, too, have 2 cats: Artemis and Calliope.


      • Paul Sherratt

        Have you noticed how people name their pets to reflect themselves in a small way ?


        " I see no chips "


        • Thropplenoggin

          Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
          Have you noticed how people name their pets to reflect themselves in a small way ?


          " I see no chips "
          Ouf! Apologies for not naming them Smokey and Ginger, but dull nomenclatures are anathema to me. They'd have been Diogenes and Bartleby if they were boys.


          • Paul Sherratt

            I was merely observing, not passing judgement !

            ' eck. Time to feed those guinea pigs, Dora and Angelica, yet again.

            My lovely, late flatcoat retriever ' Julius Cheeks 'was twice name-checked on BBC Radio 3.
            Well, it was easier than doing a bit of research on the artist, I suppose


            • Thropplenoggin

              Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
              I was merely observing, not passing judgement !

              ' eck. Time to feed those guinea pigs, Dora and Angelica, yet again.


              • 2cats

                Not being one for slick, well thought-out user names, I looked up and saw my two cats, Sharon and Tracey.

                I feel slightly ashamed I have mentioned Mr.Trelawny's spiritual home at 100-102 FM in my first time posting. The capitalist entity shall nee pass my keyboard again. Is John Sachet supposed to be good or something???


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 30791

                  Hello 2 cats, and welcome!

                  You'll find that, ref. Mr Throppleggin, many of us have a chip on our shoulder about Radio 3. A sort of love-hate relationship and, as you say, fearing for the future.

                  Petroc's a lovely guy - but stuck with a rotten programme format (In Our Very Humble Opinions, of course).
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • 2cats

                    In defence of Mr.Petroc, his 'niche' would be In Tune perhaps, as I've heard him supervising my evening meal preparations previously.


                    • 2cats

                      One of my previous cats has been namechecked on the BBC Asian Network. However one of my two living ones has a thing about Suzy Klein, particularly when she did her 'Concert Notes' from this year's Leeds on BBC4. Maybe more specifically her piano playing.


                      • cloughie
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 22266

                        Originally posted by french frank View Post
                        Hello 2 cats, and welcome!

                        You'll find that, ref. Mr Throppleggin, many of us have a chip on our shoulder about Radio 3. A sort of love-hate relationship and, as you say, fearing for the future.

                        Petroc's a lovely guy - but stuck with a rotten programme format (In Our Very Humble Opinions, of course).
                        Many of us on these boards warmed to him during his African experience in the summer and he was supported in the Cornish local press! ...and just think what Breakfast on 3 would be like with Chris Evans...on second thoughts DON'T!


                        • 2cats

                          A thought has just passed the space between my aural organs. What would be better, listening to Radio 3's output (including Breakfast) as it is today, or listening in the late 1970s on the godawful AM frequency of 1215??

                          My initial reactions to putting r3 on this old Light Programme/Radio 1 frequency post-European Frequency Agreement was in hindsight the worst decision the BBC ever made, given the fact that even in those days your average r3 listener would choose to listen on FM anyway???

                          As a teenager in bed I'd tune curiously through the medium wave, marvelling with open ears at the foreign stations, voices from across Europe coming through my radio one channel next to the other (and even Radio Forth on 194) and then, all of a sudden sometime after 0630 this dead carrier would appear on 247, but not quite obliterating the European voices that share the channel. Then would come a tonal 'boom' separated by five seconds of silence every time, and then a piece of music before the first announcement would grace the airwaves...'BBC Radio 3. Good morning, this is (Cormac Rigby) in London'. Short and to the point. Then it would be back to Dave Lee Travis. Would any schoolfriends ever admit to knowing there were other morning voices apart from that of Travis to be found in the ether above Yookay Island????


                          • 2cats

                            Originally posted by cloughie View Post
                            Many of us on these boards warmed to him during his African experience in the summer and he was supported in the Cornish local press! ...and just think what Breakfast on 3 would be like with Chris Evans...on second thoughts DON'T!
                            Or Ken bloody Bruce???


                            • Flosshilde
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 7988

                              Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
                              Have you noticed how people name their pets to reflect themselves in a small way ?
                              Indeed - 'Wolfgang' & 'Constanza' for example (not that we've heard much about them recently)

