Politics & Current Affairs board

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  • Petrushka
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 12435

    Having welcomed FF's wise decision I do feel it's a great pity that there isn't a place where a mature debate cannot be had on the main issues of the day but, as even one or two posts on this very thread clearly demonstrate, it seems to be impossible for some to manage this without snide wisecracks and the like. Some are deliberately playing silly games even on here, pretending not to see what constitutes 'political' within the framework of a forum devoted to Radio 3.

    Gratitude to FF for the continued maintenance of this forum cuts very little ice if members flout house rules and indulge in unacceptable forum behaviour. I caught a hint somewhere above that she's had nearly enough and, if she's thinking of bowing out then I, for one, will be most unhappy at what would have lead to such a decision.
    "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
      Gone fishin'
      • Sep 2011
      • 30163

      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


      • scottycelt

        Originally posted by Pabmusic View Post
        Exactly, Jean. Surely we all write slight caricatures from time to time. I enjoy (for instance) my occasional exchanges with Scottycelt (are you listening, Scotty?) but I'm sure neither of us thinks that he'll change the other's mind. But it's entertaining, thoughtful and respectful. If we were limited to musical matters, I'm not sure we'd talk much (I have to admit that, try as I might, I just don't like Bruckner enough!).
        I didn't really want to get involved in this discussion as my view has always been it's entirely up to those who run this forum to form it any way they wish. I may be a 'member' but in reality I'm only just an official 'guest'!

        However, Pab, it's pretty obvious exchanges such as ours (which I also enjoy), and those of other members, irritate not only other members but also some in high forum places. Very obvious. For what it's worth (nothing), I largely share the views of yourself, Mr GG, Ams51, Richard Barrett, Jean, ahinton, and other members with whom otherwise I seem to mostly disagree.

        Mr Pee summed it up well for me. Why some members had to deliberately scroll down to the Politics forum and then complain about it's content and the behaviour of other members is really quite beyond me. It's a bit like going into a bar and complaining about the noise. I can well see the administrators possibly getting a bit nervous from time to time, though!

        There was a host of music-only boards long before you ever reached the Politics one! I don't go near the Stormy Weather board for example. It's not my scene. I'm not really interested in what the weather's like in Scunthorpe or what another member had for tea at his granny's house in Tillietudlem. If others are interested in such things that's just fine. I love listening to music but don't often contribute to the music boards as, frankly, I'm mostly out of my depth there ... it's that simple. So I generally steer well clear and leave the experts to it. I have to say though I've seen plenty of cyber 'foaming-at-the-mouth' and ad hominem attacks between the music experts as well, on the occasions I've popped in to view (and learn) 'passively'!

        Still, as I say, it's entirely a matter for the administrators not me. As for you, Pab, you'll just have to learn to like Bruckner now, won't you?


        • Tony Halstead
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 1717

          Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
          I didn't really want to get involved in this discussion as my view has always been it's entirely up to those who run this forum to form it any way they wish. I may be a 'member' but in reality I'm only just an official 'guest'!

          However, Pab, it's pretty obvious exchanges such as ours (which I also enjoy), and those of other members, irritate not only other members but also some in high forum places. Very obvious. For what it's worth (nothing), I largely share the views of yourself, Mr GG, Ams51, Richard Barrett, Jean, ahinton, and other members with whom otherwise I seem to mostly disagree.

          Mr Pee summed it up well for me. Why some members had to deliberately scroll down to the Politics forum and then complain about it's content and the behaviour of other members is really quite beyond me. It's a bit like going into a bar and complaining about the noise. I can well see the administrators possibly getting a bit nervous from time to time, though!

          There was a host of music-only boards long before you ever reached the Politics one! I don't go near the Stormy Weather board for example. It's not my scene. I'm not really interested in what the weather's like in Scunthorpe or what another member had for tea at his granny's house in Tillietudlem. If others are interested in such things that's just fine. I love listening to music but don't often contribute to the music boards as, frankly, I'm mostly out of my depth there ... it's that simple. So I generally steer well clear and leave the experts to it. I have to say though I've seen plenty of cyber 'foaming-at-the-mouth' and ad hominem attacks between the music experts as well, on the occasions I've popped in to view (and learn) 'passively'!

          Still, as I say, it's entirely a matter for the administrators not me. As for you, Pab, you'll just have to learn to like Bruckner now, won't you?
          Hi Scotty,
          This is the most generous and 'involving' posting that you have ever done. Congratulations and many thanks!


          • ahinton
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 16123

            Originally posted by Tony View Post
            Hi Scotty,
            This is the most generous and 'involving' posting that you have ever done. Congratulations and many thanks!
            Endorsed (albeit without the beer glass!)


            • Petrushka
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 12435

              Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
              Why some members had to deliberately scroll down to the Politics forum and then complain about it's content and the behaviour of other members is really quite beyond me. It's a bit like going into a bar and complaining about the noise.
              Some of us like to read a good debate about a major issue of the day without necessarily taking part. I, for instance, can't hope to hold my own in debate like, for instance, Mr Pee can. Threads can often make genuinely good reading and the frequents shafts of wit make it more so. But all to often (in most cases actually) an interesting debate on an interesting topic is torpedoed by a member who just can't understand the word 'debate' and after 20 or so posts the mud-slinging begins. It's downhill from thereon and while enjoying the entertainment value for a while it becomes tedious and I lose interest and move on. Personally, I think a more vigorous moderation policy might have nipped many a spot of thread trouble firmly in the bud.

              Scotty, I wouldn't mind if you started a Bruckner thread every day as he is one of the composers who means most to me.
              "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


              • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 9173

                well moderation is a gift from ff mostly; unpaid, time consuming, and so unnecessary if only members desisted from their insults and bad manners &c ..... and therefore intensely irritating for the poor soul locked by their monitor in the early hours ... the pol & cur aff section is moved out because it was not worth keeping open .... why would any one who did not enjoy tiresome, repetitive [in the extreme] badinage and worse want to spend any time at all ensuring it was civilised, as if, on present experience, it could be? what exactly does any one of us think that the benefit of moderating such noisome repetition might possibly be?

                politics is not banned; i will not accept that this is what has been done; tiresome behaviour has been swept under a carpet ....
                Last edited by aka Calum Da Jazbo; 10-09-13, 12:10.
                According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                • An_Inspector_Calls

                  Originally posted by french frank View Post
                  People who come to the forum principally to discuss politics are on the wrong forum.
                  And that excludes your numerous political posts in the past?

                  Actually I don't mind what you've done, but I doubt things will improve, given the experience of the old R3 boards.


                  • Petrushka
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 12435

                    Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
                    And that excludes your numerous political posts in the past?

                    Actually I don't mind what you've done, but I doubt things will improve, given the experience of the old R3 boards.
                    I think the key word is principally.
                    "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                    • scottycelt

                      Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
                      Some of us like to read a good debate about a major issue of the day without necessarily taking part. I, for instance, can't hope to hold my own in debate like, for instance, Mr Pee can. Threads can often make genuinely good reading and the frequents shafts of wit make it more so. But all to often (in most cases actually) an interesting debate on an interesting topic is torpedoed by a member who just can't understand the word 'debate' and after 20 or so posts the mud-slinging begins. It's downhill from thereon and while enjoying the entertainment value for a while it becomes tedious and I lose interest and move on. Personally, I think a more vigorous moderation policy might have nipped many a spot of thread trouble firmly in the bud.

                      Scotty, I wouldn't mind if you started a Bruckner thread every day as he is one of the composers who means most to me.
                      Now that WOULD be a challenge, for sure, and I can tell from the music boards that you share my music passion, Petrushka. Still, I wouldn't put it past some besotted Brahmsian member to lodge a complaint on the grounds of the repetitiveness of both OP and composer.

                      I'm sure we must have passed each other at Bruckner concerts without realising it, and I think we may well have done so at the Barbican in May last year, if I remember correctly!


                      • David-G
                        Full Member
                        • Mar 2012
                        • 1216

                        Originally posted by french frank View Post
                        There has been discussion about problems that have cropped up on the forum, and the general consensus of Hosts and Administration is that the Politics & Current Affairs Board be moved to a less prominent position. Those who want to continue to use it should bookmark it or make a note of the url.

                        The visible balance of the forum is affected by having so many posts contributed by so few members: this was not what the forum was set up for and, frankly, to have the two opposing sides constantly sniping at each other, no matter what the topic, is not much of an encouragement to those who might think of joining.

                        The main forum will refocus on matters that relate to Radio 3 and relevant subject matter. Platform 3 to continue as a light-hearted social board.

                        I am very pleased to hear this. I have been feeling much the same. An excellent decision.


                        • David-G
                          Full Member
                          • Mar 2012
                          • 1216

                          Originally posted by french frank View Post
                          I do have regular evidence that people read the forum but don't want to join in because of the squabbly discussions. Some members enjoy them hugely: my impression is that the majority of people don't.
                          I hate the squabbly discussions, and give threads involving them a wide berth.


                          • Sir Velo
                            Full Member
                            • Oct 2012
                            • 3304

                            Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                            Why some members had to deliberately scroll down to the Politics forum and then complain about it's content and the behaviour of other members is really quite beyond me.
                            Frankly, this is disingenuous as is made clear by the fact that you reject a sidebar as being too hidden away. Most forum members go to the "What's New" tab which is where all threads, across the spectrum of fora, are shown in descending order of last time a post occurred. Consequently, the so-called politics and current affairs "debates" are frequently to the fore. In fact, one won't know which particular forum they're on, unless one specifically looks.

                            Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                            It's a bit like going into a bar and complaining about the noise.
                            To continue your analogy, it's more akin to having a noisy, drunken foul-mouthed group of neighbours who get going around about 10pm and don't stop until way until the next morning, with some interludes of calm before another shouting match starts up sporadically throughout the following day. Impossible to avoid, however much one wishes otherwise.
                            Last edited by Sir Velo; 10-09-13, 05:43.


                            • Pabmusic
                              Full Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 5537

                              Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                              ...However, Pab, it's pretty obvious exchanges such as ours (which I also enjoy), and those of other members, irritate not only other members but also some in high forum places. Very obvious. For what it's worth (nothing), I largely share the views of yourself, Mr GG, Ams51, Richard Barrett, Jean, ahinton, and other members with whom otherwise I seem to mostly disagree...
                              Thank you, Scotty.


                              • Pabmusic
                                Full Member
                                • May 2011
                                • 5537

                                Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
                                ...To continue your analogy, it's more akin to having a noisy, drunken foul-mouthed group of neighbours who get going around about 10pm and don't stop until way until the next morning, with some interludes of calm before another shouting match starts up sporadically throughout the following day. Impossible to avoid, however much one wishes otherwise.
                                I'm going to introduce religion here. I have heard Protestantism described as the 'unnerving suspicion that someone, somewhere might be enjoying themselves'. It somehow feels apposite...

