I am glad it finishes today!!
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Originally posted by Simon View PostAlmost 70% consider the Mozart "Festival" a bad or terrible idea! This can't be the reaction that R3 expected.
I must admit to having mulled over the reason for this prohibition. However, given the late surge for those in favour of the Mozartfest, I think it a wise move to prevent Roger's Band of Merry Men from descending en masse to hijack the results as they did with the Telegraph poll, after an edict from on high!
Last edited by Guest; 12-01-11, 21:13.
Originally posted by Eudaimonia View PostSeriously? Did you miss the part of the thread where Vinteuil admitted to singlehandedly sinking the vote count from 50-something percent in favour to somewhere in the low 30s? Here, let me quote that for you before the inevitable edit:It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
From 50-something percent in favour to somewhere in the low 30s? Even what you quote only shows that from about 50% it shifted to a 'No' majority. That only need take one vote, surely? E.g. 50-50 to 51-50 (no of votes, of course, not percentages!).
Originally posted by vinteuil View PostI fear Eudaimonia sometimes takes me too seriously...
I am not the sort of person who would sabotage a poll.
My comment was, oh dear, a joke <sigh>
Hello all. With working long hours (everything's mad at the moment <cough> <splutter> ), I have dipped in and out - there have been some lovely surprises, but a lot has sounded the same, and seemed to be going on for ever. As said in an earlier post, a lot should be consigned to room 101.
The pointless trailers have irritated, and the phone-ins grated. But there has been some excellent commentary.
Such a shame that there is no longer a message board on the R3 web site. I recall that the Bach MB became a useful resource for future reference.Pacta sunt servanda !!!
Branding is no fact of life, and doesn't have to be accepted as such.
Are we we really to reduce WAM to the level of the likes of a 'Goblin Teasmade' ... Think on, dear Reader!
V Sorry, FrenchFrank, to hear you acknowledge such an 'apparent' truth. By that trajecory I should have not said so much as WAM, but rather ...
aka Wolfgang 'Hot' Amadeus MozartLast edited by Stillhomewardbound; 13-01-11, 00:04.
Radio 3 total-Mozert blitz
I hope (but do not expect) Radio 3 to publish the results of a randomised opinion poll on the Mozert campaign. Their problem is that if they listen only to their vocal enthusiasts they will lose those who value Radio 4 for its eclectic mix of genres. Most of those who I have heard on their Mozert phone-ins are amateur musicians who may handle Mozert's rather simple styles more easily than other more demanding composers. We will end up with a Radio 3 consisting of a cross between radio 5 live and Classic FM if they listen too much to their vocal listeners. They need to make sure they listen to a representative sample of listeners.
"Randomised opinion poll"? Surely you don't mean this one, do you?
We will end up with a Radio 3 consisting of a cross between radio 5 live and Classic FM if they listen too much to their vocal listeners.
There is a short piece in The Guardian by Michael Berkeley. People might be interested in the comments posted so far.
Originally posted by peteredelsten View PostI hope (but do not expect) Radio 3 to publish the results of a randomised opinion poll on the Mozert campaign. Their problem is that if they listen only to their vocal enthusiasts they will lose those who value Radio 4 for its eclectic mix of genres. Most of those who I have heard on their Mozert phone-ins are amateur musicians who may handle Mozert's rather simple styles more easily than other more demanding composers. We will end up with a Radio 3 consisting of a cross between radio 5 live and Classic FM if they listen too much to their vocal listeners. They need to make sure they listen to a representative sample of listeners.Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Originally posted by Eudaimonia View PostI never thought you seemed like that sort of person either, but to crack a joke about rigging a poll immediately after it drops from the 50s to the 30s in your favor isn't exactly what one might call judicious (especially in a forum which has a real problem with seeming biased). Oh well, my apologies.
Someone was manipulating the poll to make Radio 3 look bad, and I don't find it particularly amusing.
Do you really think it could legitimately drop from the 50s to the 30s in a matter of minutes? Bovine excrement! You might say "Oh, lighten up--it's just a silly Guardian poll", but I guarantee if it had finished in the 80s/20s you'd all be triumphantly cackling your heads off and quoting it to the media at every available opportunity. But since it ended more or less even, you're all "oh, Roger did it". Har har.
And whoever did do it? I hope you got carpal tunnel from your clicking finger.