Well, the Controller singled out in his blog one programme from the Mozartfest for a special mention:
"The new year seems, like Christmas, to be a time of reflection as well as fresh beginnings, and from the listener interaction with the station it is clear that Mozart provided a perfect musical companion to match the mood. Sara Mohr-Pietsch's programme Play Mozart For Me unlocked a wealth of emotions and reminded me of the special qualities of late night radio."
Chutzpah or what?

"The new year seems, like Christmas, to be a time of reflection as well as fresh beginnings, and from the listener interaction with the station it is clear that Mozart provided a perfect musical companion to match the mood. Sara Mohr-Pietsch's programme Play Mozart For Me unlocked a wealth of emotions and reminded me of the special qualities of late night radio."
Chutzpah or what?
