Proposals for new boards

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  • vinteuil
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 13194

    Originally posted by doversoul View Post
    Ah, but then the EARLY music which has very few if at all notable champions, such as 15th century Italian cantata or English lute songs (even with Dowland, how often is his music discussed?) might get pushed aside as they are now.
    Doversoul - I'm more than happy to keep the (very vague) term "Early Music", but I don't think we should try to limit it chronologically. Like you I should like to hear more 15th and 16th stuff - I suppose we just have to hope that people like Kate Bott - who does care for this repertoire - can influence the Early Music Show producers!


    • Mark Sealey
      Full Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 85


      Thanks! Happy either way :-)

      If it's musical substance, style and composers, then I suppose I stand by my attempt (which will always fail) to fix a date (death of Bach in this case).

      If - as you suggest - it's approach, then Yes to a sub-Forum on HIP. Though that ought to tend to be different, since it would properly extend to… to… to Brahms! My hope is that R3 will do better by mediaeval, Renaissance and Baroque music than it does now. In the meantime those of us who love it could exchange thoughts!

      (And Yes to 'New Music', too, please!)
      Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
      …something along the lines : "‘ historically-informed performance


      • amateur51

        Compound Quizzical Corner?

        Hello french franks!

        Many thanks for pulling all the Playlist programmes together - a very sensible move I thought. And for the new Here and Now forum.

        Might I suggest that you could pull together the various quizzes that are scattered hitcher and thither at the moment so that those of a game-playing disposition could identify them easily & be able to get their answers in more quickly, thus raising the pace of inter-action


        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30804

          I was thinking perhaps all quizzes and games, what are you listening to? &c should perhaps be kept on Platform 3 unless (like a couple on The Choir) their interest is restricted to a particular group which has its own board. Similarly, all threads relating to programmes on Radio 4, BBC Four, Sky Arts &c should be on Platform 3.

          At the moment I think CotW, Discovering Music and Music Matters should be slotted in somewhere (I think they're all 'music documentaries/educational' - however that could best be described).
          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • Lateralthinking1

            Erm, yes I think so overall, but I do have a few thoughts.

            I can understand classical music on BBC4, and the very rare programme on Radio 4 about classical music, being on "Platform 3". What though of Celtic Connections or Ken Clarke on Jazz? I can think of many other similar examples. Would it not be better from everyone's point of view if these were to be on the World Music and Jazz boards?

            Similarly with speech on BBC4 and R4, if someone does want to mention Poetry Please or a Shakespeare production, shouldn't this be on "Arts and Ideas" rather than "Platform 3"?

            I am probably stating here what is in any case assumed but it would be helpful to have it confirmed for clarity.

            Also, is "Arts and Ideas" quite the right title for that board. Could it not be something like "Art and Language", "Art, Literature and Drama", or even "Art, Books, Creativity, Drama"? I'm fumbling here because none of these seem quite right but I do think the current title could be more appropriate.


            • french frank
              • Feb 2007
              • 30804

              Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
              I can understand classical music on BBC4, and the very rare programme on Radio 4 about classical music, being on "Platform 3". What though of Celtic Connections or Ken Clarke on Jazz? I can think of many other similar examples. Would it not be better from everyone's point of view if these were to be on the World Music and Jazz boards?
              I suppose, on reflection, the criterion should be where the main audience/readership would be for a particular thread. I silently removed the Doctor Who Christmas thread from Arts and Ideas to Platform 3 on the grounds that the biggest general audience is like to be there rather than on the less frequented A&I. I agree, though, that where the content relates closely to that of a particular MB, that's the place for the discussion to take place. [I confess, not hitherto enough analytical thought by me on this].

              Also, is "Arts and Ideas" quite the right title for that board. Could it not be something like "Art and Language", "Art, Literature and Drama", or even "Art, Books, Creativity, Drama"? I'm fumbling here because none of these seem quite right but I do think the current title could be more appropriate.
              Difficult, I know. Speech, spoken arts, arts, philosophy, intellectual stuff &c &c &c ... ????? I'm not sure what the best combination is. I just kept the BBC title (which previously was 'Speech and Drama').
              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


              • Lateralthinking1

                Thanks french frank. I had overlooked the fact that there is a subtitle on "Arts and Ideas". This is helpful but I will also give more thought to it. I find it bewildering just to think of the amount of things you are managing. It is going so well. We all appreciate it. And I hope that your flu is clearing up. Best regards, Lat.


                • Estelle
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 112

                  I have been working my way through the "R3 Live in Concert" thread in "Performance" with some difficulty due to the number of programs under simultaneous discussion. It seems to me that this thread is a perfect candidate for a sub-forum. That way, as with "Building a Library," people could quickly find or start a post about the individual concert they wish to discuss. What do you think?


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    I agree R3 LIVE in concert needs sorting out IMHO. A daily, ie with date page by page or a subdivision of some kind.
                    Also people all revert to discussing their favourite CDs of a work being broadcast. Could we have a CD thread that's for that specific purpose? Not CD review but a chance for those with 20 performances of something to acquire knowledge of a 21st from friends on the MBs. It might clear LIVE on R3 for just that. However there are bound to be overlaps and I confess to going off topic myself occasionally,


                    • french frank
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 30804

                      Originally posted by salymap View Post
                      I agree R3 LIVE in concert needs sorting out IMHO. A daily, ie with date page by page or a subdivision of some kind.
                      Also people all revert to discussing their favourite CDs of a work being broadcast. Could we have a CD thread that's for that specific purpose? Not CD review but a chance for those with 20 performances of something to acquire knowledge of a 21st from friends on the MBs. It might clear LIVE on R3 for just that. However there are bound to be overlaps and I confess to going off topic myself occasionally,
                      Yes, there is a problem here. The Performance board was intended to be for the discussion of live perfomance on Radio 3 (including the Lunchtime Concert and Afternoon on 3). The idea was exactly what is being proposed: each individual programme/concert should have its own new thread. Because there was so little discussion of the live concerts (I echo the concern originally expressed by Daring Tripod about that) the Performance board has been taken over for other discussions.

                      It's difficult, though, not to get discussions of CD versions of the works being performed, and nothing prevents people who have comments to add about the concerts from adding them. I don't want to go down the route of laying down rules for how people discuss the various topics (other than that they are, of course, at all times courteous to each other; though that goes without saying )

                      If a new interest has arisen in the concerts, I'm happy to make it clearer that the Performance board is for the discussion of live performance on R3, one thread per concert.

                      I think CD Review is okay for people to talk about CDs in general, but an occasional mention of relevant CDs in connection with concerts is surely allowable? As I say, it doesn't stop anyone from continuing to discuss the concert.
                      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                      • amateur51

                        Originally posted by french frank View Post
                        Yes, there is a problem here. The Performance board was intended to be for the discussion of live perfomance on Radio 3 (including the Lunchtime Concert and Afternoon on 3). The idea was exactly what is being proposed: each individual programme/concert should have its own new thread. Because there was so little discussion of the live concerts (I echo the concern originally expressed by Daring Tripod about that) the Performance board has been taken over for other discussions.

                        It's difficult, though, not to get discussions of CD versions of the works being performed, and nothing prevents people who have comments to add about the concerts from adding them. I don't want to go down the route of laying down rules for how people discuss the various topics (other than that they are, of course, at all times courteous to each other; though that goes without saying )

                        If a new interest has arisen in the concerts, I'm happy to make it clearer that the Performance board is for the discussion of live performance on R3, one thread per concert.

                        I think CD Review is okay for people to talk about CDs in general, but an occasional mention of relevant CDs in connection with concerts is surely allowable? As I say, it doesn't stop anyone from continuing to discuss the concert.
                        Makes sense to me, french frank

                        A little discipline and patience from all will make it work (he says loftily, being a prime culprit I'm sure)


                        • salymap
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5969

                          Thanks ff. All seems peace and goodwill to all men atm though.


                          • french frank
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 30804

                            I've posted a General Announcement here and will be shifting a couple of the most popular threads on the Performance board, as per the announcement, to Talking About Music.
                            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                            • Osborn

                              I think it's pointless; a given concert rarely has a life expectancy much longer than a weekt; we'll quickly have a load of tiny transient threads & by fragmentation, lose touch with each other; I find a sequence of surprises & variety very enjoyable.

                              Who would display 20 freesias in 20 jam jars?

                              (Now if you'd said that all threads moaning about breakfast & featuring FoR3 will be moved to the basement...)


                              • Petrushka
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 12436

                                Originally posted by Osborn View Post
                                I think it's pointless; a given concert rarely has a life expectancy much longer than a week; we'll quickly have a load of tiny transient threads... I find a sequence of surprises & variety very enjoyable.
                                I'd largely agree with this. I had no problem in navigating my way round the 'Radio 3 Live Concert' thread and, as Osborn says, the surprises and variety within that thread made for an enjoyable read.

                                At the moment, it's rather like the furniture has been re-arranged in your house while you've been away.
                                "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink

