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  • Daring Tripod

    Many thanks FF for your reply. I am an amateur as far as use of computers/sites are concerned, it would be very useful for people like myself to have one spot we could go to find ‘instruction’ how the site can be used – all mysterious coloured signs, communities, private communications etc. I know a lot of information is ‘out there’ but it’s in various locations. We would be eternally indebted to the person(s) who could compile this in plain English!

    When I first came to the BBC R3 Board many moons ago, I was put off by the ‘magpies’ who took over the threads with irrelevances and also by stupid postings such as one which stated, as an example, that Sarah Chang didn’t know how to play the violin etc. This was posted by one of the notorious ‘posting destroyers’ of the time. So, I stopped writing and just read instead.

    We have lost quite a lot of the professional practicing and ex musicians whose opinions were instructive and interesting. It is these, I feel, we need to find to put ‘gilt edges’ on this budding site. Also, in these early days, I note the lack of postings expressing opinions on R3 broadcasts of orchestral and chamber music which should be the 'raison d'etre' of this site.


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 30812

      Originally posted by Daring Tripod View Post
      I am an amateur as far as use of computers/sites are concerned, it would be very useful for people like myself to have one spot we could go to find ‘instruction’ how the site can be used – all mysterious coloured signs, communities, private communications etc. I know a lot of information is ‘out there’ but it’s in various locations. We would be eternally indebted to the person(s) who could compile this in plain English!
      It would be nice if someone would volunteer! The load has been a bit heavy in the last weeks, having suddenly found the forum, as it were, 'thrust upon us' at very short notice. There are still signs of bare woodwork and unidentified wires hanging about. Definitely, though, a job to be done. A link written into the Welcome email would be a good idea too.

      The Performance board has become rather wide in topic and perhaps a sub-forum on Radio 3 concerts and recitals would be an idea. A job for one of the Hosts, perhaps, to get threads started to encourage discussion.
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • amateur51

        Originally posted by subcontrabass View Post
        They are listed for each forum - just click on the forum name and then scroll down.
        Many thanks scb!


        • amateur51

          Originally posted by french frank View Post
          Yes, distinguishing (for the puposes of clarification) a forum (the categories indicated on the homepage by being in a red band - Classical Forum, World &c) from a messageboard (the actual boards where the threads are to be found): click on your messageboard (e.g. CD Review) and scroll down to the bottom of the page. I'm afraid they're described as Moderators because you have to get into the software code to change it, 'Host' being our own custom title. Useful to see the names because you can then see which ones are online at the time if you want to PM one of them.
          Thanks to you too, french frank

          I am now fully au fait with Hosts


          • french frank
            • Feb 2007
            • 30812

            I have just noticed : If you scroll down to the bottom of the homepage, just above the list of Currently Active Members, there are two links:

            Mark Forums Read | View Forum Leaders

            View Forum Leaders has a convenient list of all Hosts with the forums where they operate.

            And also - another discovery - if you click on Quick links at the top of most pages, lo, there is an item View Forum Leaders which takes you to the same page. More than one way to skin a cat
            Last edited by french frank; 14-01-11, 12:32.
            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


            • Daring Tripod

              One thing that worries me FF is the paucity of postings directly to do with R3 programmes? If one studies ‘new postings’ one rarely finds any comments on concerts or other programmes that have recently taken place. That’s why I encouraged looking for ‘new blood’ in my past postings.

              I well remember all those interesting comments by Hornspieler or smittens on orchestral or chamber music broadcasts of the previous nights.


              • french frank
                • Feb 2007
                • 30812

                Originally posted by Daring Tripod View Post
                One thing that worries me FF is the paucity of postings directly to do with R3 programmes? If one studies ‘new postings’ one rarely finds any comments on concerts or other programmes that have recently taken place. That’s why I encouraged looking for ‘new blood’ in my past postings.
                I will be calling a 'meeting' with the Hosts down in the Committee Room in the next day or so .

                I agree: there is no intention to stop people posting about what interests them, but we are, for the most part, R3 listeners and one would hope the programmes would inspire discussion. (And if not, why not? I was disappointed when concert and recital presentation was changed to studio based announcements, often with discussion in between the pieces of music. No concert atmosphere.)
                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                • doversoul1
                  Ex Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 7132

                  Originally posted by Daring Tripod View Post
                  One thing that worries me FF is the paucity of postings directly to do with R3 programmes? If one studies ‘new postings’ one rarely finds any comments on concerts or other programmes that have recently taken place. That’s why I encouraged looking for ‘new blood’ in my past postings.

                  I well remember all those interesting comments by Hornspieler or smittens on orchestral or chamber music broadcasts of the previous nights.
                  I agree. There are very few threads that are about R3 programmes at the moment.

                  I used to enjoy reading the discussions on the R3 MBs about the performances I heard on R3. Being a lay listener, I hardly started a thread but when I did with a few mutterings, smittens often responded with gentle words of suggestion or a kind approval. Otherwise, my posts were ignored or severely contradicted, to put it politely. So I feel rather reluctant to initiate discussion on performances. I suppose it is a fine line between a disagreement and an attack but I think we should somehow encourage more discussions on R3 programmes. Until we do, we shan’t get wilf back for one thing.


                  • Curalach

                    Don't forget that it is still early days for these boards and within the last several weeks we have had the "disruption" to the normal schedules of Christmas and the Mozartfest.
                    As far as the latter is concerned, discussion has been largely of the "good thing - bad thing" variety rather than about specific programmes.
                    Give it more time and don't shy from posting as my impression is that most of the disruptive elements are elsewhere. Remember that there is nothing wrong with attacking an opinion you disagree with, it is when the attack is personal that it is unacceptable.
                    I do miss smittims though.


                    • Daring Tripod

                      Thanks doversoul. I know exactlyhow you feel, being a pure 'lay listener' myself. Couldn't have put it better myself!


                      • french frank
                        • Feb 2007
                        • 30812

                        Originally posted by Daring Tripod View Post
                        Thanks doversoul. I know exactlyhow you feel, being a pure 'lay listener' myself. Couldn't have put it better myself!
                        Well, just a thought. Starting a thread is the main thing - you can be a bit circumspect in your opinion, or even pose a question. I don't think I've ever posted a 'What a fantastic concert!' type of post, just in case it wasn't, but eliciting responses from those who know better than us is a useful service.
                        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                        • doversoul1
                          Ex Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 7132

                          Originally posted by french frank View Post
                          Well, just a thought. Starting a thread is the main thing - you can be a bit circumspect in your opinion, or even pose a question. I don't think I've ever posted a 'What a fantastic concert!' type of post, just in case it wasn't, but eliciting responses from those who know better than us is a useful service.
                          But when nobody bother to respond….

                          These online discussions do have unique psychological effects on us. Has anyone written a book about it? There was a bishop or somebody sometime ago, said that these online relationships were affecting children seriously or some such. It makes sense.


                          • Eine Alpensinfonie
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 20590

                            Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                            But when nobody bother to respond….

                            These online discussions do have unique psychological effects on us. Has anyone written a book about it? There was a bishop or somebody sometime ago, said that these online relationships were affecting children seriously or some such. It makes sense.
                            I think Frau Alpensinfonie would agree.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30812

                              Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                              But when nobody bother to respond….

                              These online discussions do have unique psychological effects on us. Has anyone written a book about it? There was a bishop or somebody sometime ago, said that these online relationships were affecting children seriously or some such. It makes sense.
                              Mmmmmm. I don't have the same hang-up when posting on the Arts & Ideas board, announcing the Drama on 3 for example. Or some press release - that's what often gets nil response

                              Anyway, I've raised the matter with the Hosts.
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • sigolene euphemia

                                Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                                But when nobody bother to respond….

                                These online discussions do have unique psychological effects on us. Has anyone written a book about it? There was a bishop or somebody sometime ago, said that these online relationships were affecting children seriously or some such. It makes sense.
                                I have found it interesting that I recall and bring into books that I am reading various elements of our For3 message-boarders. Recently in reading, 'In The Kitchen" Monica Ali there were two message-boarders woven in,

                                salymap for "Meccano" sets as she had a cousin who did the illustrations and Euda as she was 'Shopenhauer' over on BBC3 boards.

                                I really take caution with my daughter about texting, friending, and sorting through the enormous body of gadgets that is available; attempting to teach her to not have emotional drainage or highs of acceptance through such formats. To be with people in person will give her and fullfill her, human needs of interaction. I also stress with her that Google and the likes is a year younger than herself and that the gadget she welds in her hand is more than any James Bond gadget I had hoped to have in my lifetime.

                                What I dislike about texting is that it is silent and I can not HEAR what is happening as in a phone call. I like to be aware of her connections. She is awesome as we navigate this and I as well tell her this is very new for me as well. And for all of us. And yes, three times this past 10-12 months I have gathered all her gadgets and placed them away for misuse.

                                thought provoking doversoul,

