I'm very grateful to Chris Newman and kernelbogey who have agreed to act as Hosts. Since Uncle Monty and StephenO seem to be taking an extended break, we've been a bit short on the classical music side.
Just as a reminder: Hosts are there to see that forums and boards are kept lively with new topics, ideally relevant to Radio 3's programmes; and to look out for new members and see that they get a suitable welcome. They can also do tasks on their own forums, like editing thread titles, merging threads, moving posts and, occasionally, closing a thread if for instance two have been started on the same topic (though usually the best solution is to merge them). They don't get involved with moderation.
We all (well, most of us) occasionally make the mistake of hitting the Edit button when we wanted the Reply button, which results in an embarrassing intrusion into someone else's post, often involving the deletion of the original message. This is reversible ...
. Apologies in advance, and in anticipation of it happening again!
A good moment for me to thank all the Hosts for Being There

&c &c
Just as a reminder: Hosts are there to see that forums and boards are kept lively with new topics, ideally relevant to Radio 3's programmes; and to look out for new members and see that they get a suitable welcome. They can also do tasks on their own forums, like editing thread titles, merging threads, moving posts and, occasionally, closing a thread if for instance two have been started on the same topic (though usually the best solution is to merge them). They don't get involved with moderation.
We all (well, most of us) occasionally make the mistake of hitting the Edit button when we wanted the Reply button, which results in an embarrassing intrusion into someone else's post, often involving the deletion of the original message. This is reversible ...

A good moment for me to thank all the Hosts for Being There