off Bach
neither here nor there, but it was sm-p, and I reckon it was mahler, not bach ..........
i only remember because my mum and i were laughing about the likeliehood of anyone ever saying 'scribbling the *rse off durer' as an effective way of expressing 'the most ACUTE appreciation EVER' of 16th c complex drawing skill. likewise, i suspect mahler has lots of key symbols, and shades of emotion, rather than benefiting from being limited to description containing explicit sexual innuendo. sm-p's tweet unfortunately explained nothing about mahler, whilst also misrepresenting the author. ultimately, sm-p's probably 'just obeying producers' - hasn't actually given genuinely witty text, or tweets nearly enough thought? imv counter productive as far as the beeb's intent: pretending that text & tweet speak's 'new' and 'modern', and essential to all generations of listeners, particularly where it's against their will..... which imv makes r3 seem draconian, rigid, and 'old fashioned' in the worst possible sense ironically. combined, it's a double 'home goal' for r3, plus the current (non) style will rapidly date!
french frank, surely every generation are potential 'air heads'? in that they usually possess their own 'light headed' encoded shorthand, as a part of their generational identity. half the fun of the arts is in deciphering what artists may have originally meant in their specific era, and what we think of it in retrospect.
apparently, durer's global hit, 'miffed & math' has been trending for 500 yrs....
neither here nor there, but it was sm-p, and I reckon it was mahler, not bach ..........
i only remember because my mum and i were laughing about the likeliehood of anyone ever saying 'scribbling the *rse off durer' as an effective way of expressing 'the most ACUTE appreciation EVER' of 16th c complex drawing skill. likewise, i suspect mahler has lots of key symbols, and shades of emotion, rather than benefiting from being limited to description containing explicit sexual innuendo. sm-p's tweet unfortunately explained nothing about mahler, whilst also misrepresenting the author. ultimately, sm-p's probably 'just obeying producers' - hasn't actually given genuinely witty text, or tweets nearly enough thought? imv counter productive as far as the beeb's intent: pretending that text & tweet speak's 'new' and 'modern', and essential to all generations of listeners, particularly where it's against their will..... which imv makes r3 seem draconian, rigid, and 'old fashioned' in the worst possible sense ironically. combined, it's a double 'home goal' for r3, plus the current (non) style will rapidly date!
french frank, surely every generation are potential 'air heads'? in that they usually possess their own 'light headed' encoded shorthand, as a part of their generational identity. half the fun of the arts is in deciphering what artists may have originally meant in their specific era, and what we think of it in retrospect.
apparently, durer's global hit, 'miffed & math' has been trending for 500 yrs....
