In my not always 100% efficient way, I've collected the names of those who have volunteered to help with the forum in some way (no binding commitments as to roles or in time atm). In alphabetical order: Calum Da Jazbo, Dave2002, DracoM, Eine Alpensinfonie, french frank (admin), Globaltruth, James Wonnacott, johnb, LateralThinking1, msealey (admin), Philidor, Simon, StephenO, tony yyy, umslopogaas, Uncle Monty. Looks like a nice spread over the various interests.
If I've missed anyone who offered or included someone who didn't, just shout! Or PM me.
I've also created a Committee Room where we can kick around a few initial ideas (e.g. on rules, moderating, hosting, board content), exploring ideas rather than laying down laws.
I was going to say I can hardly believe that we've only been going for less than a week, but on checking the calendar, it's been almost a fortnight - but only a week today that the BBC boards closed. It's been such a dream start that discussions about rules and moderation seem almost unnecessary, but ...
If I've missed anyone who offered or included someone who didn't, just shout! Or PM me.
I've also created a Committee Room where we can kick around a few initial ideas (e.g. on rules, moderating, hosting, board content), exploring ideas rather than laying down laws.
I was going to say I can hardly believe that we've only been going for less than a week, but on checking the calendar, it's been almost a fortnight - but only a week today that the BBC boards closed. It's been such a dream start that discussions about rules and moderation seem almost unnecessary, but ...
