The search facility isn't very helpful. Open question as to what there will be in future. I have found Google advanced search (specifying the forum website address) yields information I haven't been able to find (certainly more quickly). There was a time when Google (as used by me) couldn't search the forum but recently its possible again.
It takes a while to formulate posts (certainly to proof read to avert being pulled up about errors) and I can see why contributors to a thread are disconcerted when, for reasons of intemperate expressions later on, a whole thread has been deleted. Thankfully an uncommon occurence. If possible I would appreciate all the threads and posts etc being available - as long as that is possible without undue time spent by our volunteer tech. members (once again - thanks so much!).
I have bookmarked the GMG Classical Music Forum - I mostly visited the "Super Duper Bargains Thread" so I rarely go there nowadays (given that I am trying to restrict purchase of physical CDs and certainly resist the tempation of "Big Boxes").
I did have a quick look yesterday and found a thread where they talk about a fresh start, not from choice, and of course there are members regretting the loss of the earlier material. The administrator/lead/owner admits he made an error in an upgrade (or relocation....something....) but pointed out he still had all the data and if members found someone with the necesary skills they could try to repair and resurrect the material as an Archive site, with the present live site continuing.
I'm just commenting to say I'd be appreciative if a complete relocation is possible, but understanding the present situation is the art of the possible.
It takes a while to formulate posts (certainly to proof read to avert being pulled up about errors) and I can see why contributors to a thread are disconcerted when, for reasons of intemperate expressions later on, a whole thread has been deleted. Thankfully an uncommon occurence. If possible I would appreciate all the threads and posts etc being available - as long as that is possible without undue time spent by our volunteer tech. members (once again - thanks so much!).
I have bookmarked the GMG Classical Music Forum - I mostly visited the "Super Duper Bargains Thread" so I rarely go there nowadays (given that I am trying to restrict purchase of physical CDs and certainly resist the tempation of "Big Boxes").
I did have a quick look yesterday and found a thread where they talk about a fresh start, not from choice, and of course there are members regretting the loss of the earlier material. The administrator/lead/owner admits he made an error in an upgrade (or relocation....something....) but pointed out he still had all the data and if members found someone with the necesary skills they could try to repair and resurrect the material as an Archive site, with the present live site continuing.
I'm just commenting to say I'd be appreciative if a complete relocation is possible, but understanding the present situation is the art of the possible.