Our hosting service, FutureQuest, announced yesterday that they are closing down their operation within the next two weeks. This gives us nearly the amount of notice that the BBC was closing its messageboards - and we managed to set up this alternative.
The better news is that Andrew currently has a back-up of the whole site and he and Mark are looking at alternative servers. This will cost money but Mark and I have agreed to cover initial costs until we see what the situation is.
There is not only the content of the forum to consider, but also the community - which has been created by you and which it should not be our decision to discontinue. As a stop-gap I'm setting up a temporary public Facebook page for posting news and links. Work in Progress but will be here.
This is disturbing news and came quite out of the blue (appalling timing for the start of the Proms). If anyone has suggestions, offers of help &c, post them here. If there are various options I can set up a poll (I think
The better news is that Andrew currently has a back-up of the whole site and he and Mark are looking at alternative servers. This will cost money but Mark and I have agreed to cover initial costs until we see what the situation is.
There is not only the content of the forum to consider, but also the community - which has been created by you and which it should not be our decision to discontinue. As a stop-gap I'm setting up a temporary public Facebook page for posting news and links. Work in Progress but will be here.
This is disturbing news and came quite out of the blue (appalling timing for the start of the Proms). If anyone has suggestions, offers of help &c, post them here. If there are various options I can set up a poll (I think
