Religion and Ethics board

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  • hackneyvi

    Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
    I most definitely wouldn't like to see it being a part of "Arts".
    On reflection, perhaps, neither would I. Might the Arts be left to themselves?

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    I would have thought it was already included under 'Arts & Ideas' ... Here, many threads which would be appropriate to A&I are started on Platform 3, either because the poster never uses A&I or because most other members don't so the discussion wouldn't reach such a wide audience.

    The downside for the A&I users (of which I am a regular) would be that the board has been one of the most trouble-free in terms of provocative posts - in that it doesn't get many and people are usually too sensible to rise to the bait. It would be quite a shame if it became the board for 'fiery postings' and drove away the pacific folk who just want to discuss Drama on 3 ...
    I think that I have noticed, ff, that you are a Do3 contributor here. I can see why you and Lat would not want your peace disturbed. (As an aside, the A&I thread is one that I'd contribute more to if a contribution led to any responses but it doesn't much, which is a surprise. However, perhaps if threads like the reading one were broken into several pieces - novels / poetry / non-fiction - there might be more contributions?)

    Originally posted by french frank
    I have suggested a sub-forum on the 'Arts & Ideas' board, perhaps 'Ideas, Religion and Ethics' including more abstract topics.
    Could the forum be 'Ideas, Sciences and Ethics' and placed as a sub-forum in Platform 3 rather than in 'Arts and Ideas'? The A&I board becoming a general R3 'Speech and Arts' forum?

    P3 is an area where the topics for IES are already posted, it seems, and a forum, perhaps because of this, where some excitability is commonplace. Might it not be recognised as the natural venue for topics liable to generate heat?

    What aspect of religion is not generally incorporated into 'Ideas and Ethics'? Removing religion as a category and changing the sub-forum to 'Ideas, Ethics and Sciences', to my mind, completes the forum as a fitting place for expression of conviction and speculation on religious, humanistic and natural philosophies. By retaining its position in P3, it's potential for contentiousness is acknowledged and contention itself confined rather than being spread more widely.
    Last edited by Guest; 06-08-11, 15:30.


    • Lateralthinking1

      Interesting comments today. It wouldn't be right for there to be a decision against inclusion of religion in "Arts and Ideas" because certain hosts might find it all too contentious. There are ways around that one - for example, if there were to be a new sub-forum there, perhaps that could be hosted by one or two of the people who have proposed it.

      Having said that, I am still for it being included in Platform 3, if at all. Drama, essays, poetry and the visual arts all provide distinctive perspectives. That is the beauty of them. Sure, they can be religious in theme or act as a springboard for discussing religious and ethical topics. However, it does them a disservice if any discussion of them is easily diverted into other frameworks - ie the dogma - and I mean that in the nicest sense of the word - or the usual journalistic boxes.

      Additionally, this word "Ideas". We have had several discussions in the past about the heading "Arts and Ideas". It is there because that was the title on the BBC boards. I am not wholly against it, particularly as there is now a description below it which emphasises the art and drama, something I and others requested. The threads on the past couple of pages are nearly all about drama, novels, poetry, language and the visual arts. This seems to me to be entirely right.

      The nearest one gets to an "ideas" thread is Calum's on "Great Thinkers" and I welcome that one. It ties in with a BBC programme. It is also about philosophy - or at least the philosophical end of psychology - which, by definition, tends to be open and wide-ranging in scope, like the broad range of art and literature.

      But if the heading had been "Art and Language", to reflect more closely the interests of people who use the board, I just don't think that we would be contemplating the inclusion of a sub-forum on religion there. In fact, if you Google "Radio 3 Religion", you will find that all the programmes currently featured on that page are musical in content.

      I think that the main distinction for me is "individuality". There are artistic and philosophical movements but for the most part art and philosophy are for - often highly - individual perspectives. By contrast, religion - like politics, and, I would argue, mainstream psychology - tends to be more set in stone. Hence, any discussion of those has a very different focus.
      Last edited by Guest; 06-08-11, 19:31.


      • tony yyy

        There are many aspects of religion of great interest and I hope that discussions of at least some of them can have a place on these forums. However, I'm voting against having a separate board for the purpose. Science, mathematics, language, history, philosophy, anthropology, etc. are all at least equally deserving topics and I hope that they could all be accommodated within the current structure.


        • Don Basilio
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 320

          Well said, tony yyy.


          • salymap
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5969

            I think discussions on Arts and Ideas have quite a good response. I was a mite scared of it at first but have had a fair number of replies to the bits and pieces I have raised.

            ff perhaps take the idea of a little advert somewhere? It is rather hidden where it is. I suppose Arts, Ideas and Ethics is a little cumbersome.


            • french frank
              • Feb 2007
              • 30817

              Originally posted by salymap View Post
              I think discussions on Arts and Ideas have quite a good response. I was a mite scared of it at first but have had a fair number of replies to the bits and pieces I have raised.

              ff perhaps take the idea of a little advert somewhere? It is rather hidden where it is. I suppose Arts, Ideas and Ethics is a little cumbersome.
              Thanks for the reminder that I was closing the poll today at noon-ish, saly. The reminder card in front of my screen had fallen over.

              Well, 60 votes in all and there are more votes against the proposal than the first two options combined. I think for the moment, therefore - no special new forum.

              But if political/current affairs threads are allowed (which they are), there is no reason to discourage religious discussions. Both are 'divisive' in having two sides who will never agree. It seems to me far more intelligent for people to weigh up the individual topics and decide whether - from their position - they have anything positive to contribute. If not, stay away. This applies equally to people of right and left, religious and anti-religious. The exchange of opposing views is very valuable; the mere trashing of views you dislike and the disparaging of those who hold them isn't.

              Thanks for all your comments. The poll is now closed. Any Matters Arising can be posted on an appropriate board.
              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

