"Go to last post"

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  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    Simon - Ignore the tonic solfa . I don't get that at all. There are 45 'new posts' over three pages and each one has a blue button alongside it.

    Bryn, if you understand the point, could you explain it to me, please?
    Here's a screen grab of a fairly typical "New Posts" page:

    Note that the six messages which I have read, have no blue double arrow link on the left side of the screen. The one new message I have read has no such link arrows on the left of the screen. However, all names, even Richard Tarleton's, have a blue double arrow link to the right of them.


    • Eine Alpensinfonie
      • Nov 2010
      • 20590

      Many thanks, Cellini & French Frank. I think I've got it now.


      • Don Petter

        Originally posted by french frank View Post
        EA, A useful practice on logging in is to take a quick look at the homepage and then go up to the red bar at the top of the page and click on What's New? (this is the same as New posts, the link just below). Things are very busy at the moment so there are three pages of 'New Posts'. Just by the name of the last poster is a small blue button. If you click on that it will take you to the latest post in the thread. Also, the main thread title will be in bold if you haven't read that last post already. If you have read it, and there have been no new posts since, the bold comes off. Clear?
        I'm seeing all the arrows etc, but my 'What's New' only runs to two pages (1 to 20 and 21). Does that depend on some local setting?


        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30818

          Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
          I'm seeing all the arrows etc, but my 'What's New' only runs to two pages (1 to 20 and 21). Does that depend on some local setting?
          You do have some control over what you see and how the threads are displayed, but I didn't think I'd set mine in any special way. Currently showing 48 new posts on three pages. Can't explain why yours is less ... A bit of exploring needed there.

          Bryn, yes, the left hand blue button is to the first post in the thread, and it disappears when the thread title is no longer bold because there have been no new posts since you last visited.

          I can see we ought to have a special How do you ... and What is ... forum. It will rapidly become the most popular.
          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • Simon

            Thank you Bryn for that helpful illustration.

            If I were to do a screen grab in the same way, the arrows to the right of Richard's name would be invisible, as would be the last few letters of his surname. That's why I asked the initial questipon.

            Clearly it's a screen issue that I have and others don't - though there may be some that do in the future.

            Cleared up now - no worries! Thanks to all.


            • Bryn
              • Mar 2007
              • 24688

              I have the screen on this old XP laptop set to a resolution of 1280x800.


              • johnb
                Full Member
                • Mar 2007
                • 2903

                Originally posted by Simon View Post
                Cleared up now - no worries! Thanks to all.
                Simon, do you mean that the arrows are now all visible or that you have given up on the problem?

                If you still have a problem with some arrows not being visible it needs to be resolved, both for you and to avoid it occurring with other people.

                I've been doing a test using Internet Explorer. I can get the effect you are describing if I run IE as a Window instead of maximising it.

                (Both FF and I have asked you to check this, but you might have passed over the posts.)


                • Don Petter

                  Originally posted by french frank View Post
                  Bryn, yes, the left hand blue button is to the first post in the thread, and it disappears when the thread title is no longer bold because there have been no new posts since you last visited.
                  Isn't the left hand blue button for the first unread post, not the first post overall?


                  • Bryn
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 24688

                    Quite, hence the way it disappears.

                    I have found that I can replicate the problem Simon is having by taking the screen resolition down to 800x600. That may well be the resolution he is stuck with.


                    • James Wonnacott
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 253

                      In both FF and mickymousetrosoft I get blue arrows however long the name is.
                      I have a medical condition- I am fool intolerant.


                      • Bryn
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 24688

                        But what screen resolution are you using, James?


                        • johnb
                          Full Member
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 2903

                          Simon and Bryn,

                          I've tried the 800x600 resolution too and also get the effect Simon is describing (with IE maximised).

                          Simon - if this is the resolution you are using, going to View/Zoom Out in IE will correct the layout but the text will be smaller and might be more tiring to read.

                          (The same thing happens when you have a screen with a higher resolution but have set IE to Zoom In.)
                          Last edited by johnb; 30-11-10, 21:17.


                          • Flosshilde
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 7988

                            To add my two-penn'orth, I get a blue circle with downward-pointing arrows on the left of the screen, by the thread title, & a blue square with arrows pointing right on the right side. It's on the line below the member's name, so it doesn't matter how long the name is.


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30818

                              Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
                              Isn't the left hand blue button for the first unread post, not the first post overall?
                              Yes, as Bryn confirms. I should have said Go to first new post.
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • johnb
                                Full Member
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 2903

                                Just to round off this thread, I suspect we have an answer to Simon's problem:

                                It can be caused when a browser is set to 'zoom in' or by using a screen with 800x600 resolution (as Bryn pointed out). In each case zooming out (View/Zoom Out) can resolve the matter (at the cost of slightly smaller text).

                                Simon, if you read this, please let us know whether using View/Zoom Out resolves the problem.

