In order to make practical our GDPR responsibilities (in other words, to cut the number of e-Mails we'll have to send) we intend only to contact Forum members who have been active on the Forum over the past 18 months. Accounts that haven't been used since 31 Dec 2016 will be closed and all information pertaining to those accounts will be deleted. Anyone who has not contributed since then, but who wishes to contribute in the future, will have to rejoin.
If you have posted anything since Jan 2017, you need not do anything: your account will remain open, and you will be contacted about GDPR in due course. Any members wishing to continue their enjoyment of the Forum, but who have not posted any comments in this period should post a reply to that effect here, and their membership will be kept open.
Those who have joined the Forum since 18th May need do nothing - they have already opted in.
Please raise any queries/comments about this issue here on this Thread, rather than via the "Contact Us" or Private Message facilities.

Apologies if this sounds somewhat Dalekesque - this is something we have to do, something we're new at doing, and something that we would all find dozens of things we'd rather be doing instead. Nothing is changing, and once it's done, the Forum will continue to function as vibrantly as before.
Thank you.
If you have posted anything since Jan 2017, you need not do anything: your account will remain open, and you will be contacted about GDPR in due course. Any members wishing to continue their enjoyment of the Forum, but who have not posted any comments in this period should post a reply to that effect here, and their membership will be kept open.
Those who have joined the Forum since 18th May need do nothing - they have already opted in.
Please raise any queries/comments about this issue here on this Thread, rather than via the "Contact Us" or Private Message facilities.

Apologies if this sounds somewhat Dalekesque - this is something we have to do, something we're new at doing, and something that we would all find dozens of things we'd rather be doing instead. Nothing is changing, and once it's done, the Forum will continue to function as vibrantly as before.
Thank you.