I think I've managed to locate where the controls are to most items, and certainly to the sidebars on the Profile Page (PP) - which is the same style as the homepage (HP) sidebar. So now the questions:
People have said the forum is 'very red' and 'too pink' (on chromatic grounds alone
- pink has never been everyone's favourite colour). The thing about red is that it's pale version is pink (a 'different' colour - blue, green and yellow, for example, just have darker and lighter versions).
Red was chosen to reflect the dominant colour of the old R3 MBs and I am rather wedded to this idea. I can reproduce that exact colour if it's thought preferable - it's slightly darker.
Now, I changed the sidebar to pink. The PP links were much clearer, but it was a sort of pale 'baby' pink. Darker could be 'too pink' again. One solution would be to make all the dark red rather more of an orangey-red, and I may be able to use a pale orangey/cinnamon shade for the sidebars.
What thoughts? - and if everyone disagrees, we can have a poll
. The thing is, I think a slight change, at least, is necessary to correct the change in the PP sidebar which arrived with the upgrade. I can't see how that can be altered without altering the HP sidebar because they share a style.
People have said the forum is 'very red' and 'too pink' (on chromatic grounds alone

Red was chosen to reflect the dominant colour of the old R3 MBs and I am rather wedded to this idea. I can reproduce that exact colour if it's thought preferable - it's slightly darker.
Now, I changed the sidebar to pink. The PP links were much clearer, but it was a sort of pale 'baby' pink. Darker could be 'too pink' again. One solution would be to make all the dark red rather more of an orangey-red, and I may be able to use a pale orangey/cinnamon shade for the sidebars.
What thoughts? - and if everyone disagrees, we can have a poll
