Changes to the forum
Originally posted by Hornspieler View PostThank you, Sarah.
You have been a great friend and a wise counseller to us all.
Please sign up to be an R3forum member, to keep an eye on what is going on amongst us and to make your own contributions to the ongoing debates.
You don't have to tell us what your membership name is (but we would probably recognise your style anyway)
Enjoy your freedom to say what you like when you like.
I know that I speak on behalf of all of our members.
...and very best wishes for what lies over the rainbow.
Originally posted by jean View PostWill ff disappear altogether? Not even the occasional well-judged comment?
So far the forum has been a success because of what the members contribute, and I do hope people will keep it going. It has the 'armslength' (for those who tweet) approval of the controller. And I venture to say he doesn't care if rude things are said about the programmes. As long as credit is given where due.
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Many thanks, ff,for keeping this show on the road for so long and so excellently.
Hopefully, many of the changes you have fought for in Radio 3 have been implemented, so it may be a good time to turn to pastures new.
I'm sure you will have lots on your plate, but I would advise against a Caribbean Cruise in the near future.
It is difficult to express enough appreciation for what you have done here, firstly in creating this valuable forum when the BBC Message Boards folded and then moderating and setting the tone for the discussions.
I am very sorry that you are leaving and that the forum will be passed on to another host (fingers crossed about that) but I understand that decision and it has been a true pleasure to get to know you.
Best wishes for whatever you do next.
Originally posted by johnb View Postit has been a true pleasure to get to know you.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Thanks thanks thanks and thanks again - to everyone who commits themselves to the conversations and discussions on this forum, and to our hosts and guiding lights, but above all especially to French Frank for taking us under her wing when the BBC decided in its wisdom no longer to pay even lip service to its declared commitment to listener consultation.
I find it hard to believe how long its now been going - easier to believe and appreciate how much I've learned from all the wonderful folks here prepared to vouchsafe of their knowledge in a spirit of open-minded generosity not often to be found elsewhere these days.
Best wishes and may we long continue!
Thanks, Sarah, for setting this up and maintaining it, so free and open as it is.
I've learnt so much here about listening, and how others listen; about writing, and what happens when you try to write about music. There's joy in sharing knowledge and enthusiasm, the sheer love of so many different kinds of music, the perception of many different viewpoints.
Have a good life, whatever you get up to...!
Even tardier thanks - and, as I'm in France - "bisous" for the pleasure, learning and very occasional exasperation occasioned by the forum. When I read the opening post, my first thought was, "Oh no! First Brexit, then Trump, now this", so very relieved to learn that the mighty FHG is stepping into your shoes. Your herculean labours on behalf of R3/music lovers ought not to pass unsung so one of our resident composers ought to write you a small ode. And do, please, keep posting. Where will I get my cooking tips from if you disappear completely.