Due to my illiteracy and numb fingering on the keyboard, I created an account mis-spelling my name ("Don Basiio".) I created a new account with accurate spelling.
I'd like to delete the first, mispelt account. I can't see how to do it. Is this one of those places where you can't delete an account, so you can always be traced if you've just logged on to say something criminal/monumentally offensive?
If I can't delete Don Basiio, please can somebody else, so I don't have a permanent reminder of my illiteracy?
Thank you.
I'd like to delete the first, mispelt account. I can't see how to do it. Is this one of those places where you can't delete an account, so you can always be traced if you've just logged on to say something criminal/monumentally offensive?
If I can't delete Don Basiio, please can somebody else, so I don't have a permanent reminder of my illiteracy?
Thank you.
