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  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30791


    Personal information, including email addresses provided privately by members for the purpose of joining and using the Radio 3 Forum, will be used for no other purpose than the running of this forum. In no circumstances will the administration disclose it without your permission to other members of the forum nor to any Third Party, other than under constraint of law.

    Update: GDPR as from 25 May 2018:

    It is not absolutely certain that the regulation applies to the forum: it does not sell goods or services, has no turnover to be fined from if found to be using the data unlawfully, nor is is clear what the "organisation" is now that FoR3 has handed over the running to the membership.

    However, it costs nothing to comply so:

    Your data held in the system's database consists of an email address (which you may have failed to update and which therefore no longer functions***) and a log of your IP addresses. Your username is associated with this information.

    The database also contains information which you have given but which is not required (personal details on your profile page or on the forum threads) and which is already viewable by other members.

    Data is held to ensure that there is no breach of the Terms and Conditions or House Rules (to prevent the registration of multiple accounts, identify banned users, and recognise spammers and spambots). If you are not happy with this, please notify the administration: the deletion of your account will delete all your personal data.

    The forum cookies used ensure that the forum functions as it should: if you tick the Remember Me box on the login page, your login information is retained so that you do not have to login each time you use the forum. Cookies also register, for your own information, which threads you have contributed to, or whether there are posts on a thread which you have not read; and prevent members voting more than once in a poll.

    14 May 2018

    *** If we have no functioning email address for you, you no longer receive auto-generated messages such as Your Inbox Is Full, or that new messages have been added to threads to which you have subscribed (or Wishing You A Happy Birthday); it also means the administration cannot send you any emails, such as information of this kind, even if you have opted to receive them.
    Last edited by FFAdminMKS; 15-05-18, 21:25. Reason: Update
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.