Alpie has decided to step back (a little) from formal chief admin duties but will continue to keep his eye on things in an admin/hostly capacity. Pulcie will ensure that the BaL topics are kept up to date, with a possible change of emphasis when the new schedules are introduced and the regular Saturday morning buzz will then be lost.
french frankenstein
will resume the now largely honorary role of chief moderator. As a matter of academic interest I may take the opportunity to (try to) place a House Rules button on the What’s New page? if for no other reason than that last time I made a mess of making a similar change and it would be good to get the better of The System. And the forum didn’t crash.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank Alpie (who won't be far away) for his sterling contributions, not only with BaL but also for many years of entering up all the Proms concert topics.
french frankenstein

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Alpie (who won't be far away) for his sterling contributions, not only with BaL but also for many years of entering up all the Proms concert topics.