As yet there are no specific House Rules. No doubt they will be formulated as and when the community decides.
This forum is hosted under the auspices of FoR3 on the FoR3 website, under the following conditions:
The main focus of the forum, as on the BBC Radio 3 boards, should remain BBC Radio 3
Not excluding vigorous debate, strong disagreements and the discussion of controversial topics in a reasoned and reasonable manner, the community's administration and moderation of the forum should strive at all times to be responsible, fair and efficient, such as to gain the trust of the BBC and Radio 3
This forum is hosted under the auspices of FoR3 on the FoR3 website, under the following conditions:
The main focus of the forum, as on the BBC Radio 3 boards, should remain BBC Radio 3
Not excluding vigorous debate, strong disagreements and the discussion of controversial topics in a reasoned and reasonable manner, the community's administration and moderation of the forum should strive at all times to be responsible, fair and efficient, such as to gain the trust of the BBC and Radio 3